Vaccines, GB, Alt Service, blood- I think im starting to see the light

by dirtyknections 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dirtyknections

    Hi All.. I am new to the board. My story is reminiscent of just about everyone else on the board. Here is a quick run down.

    My name is Anthony Alexander. I attend the Macclenny Congregation of Jehovahs witness in Glen St. Mary, Florida. Yes that is my real name. No I am not worried about anybody "snitching" on I am a somewhat active member who is in good standing. I say somewhat because my activity has wained in the past few months since discovering some of the real truths about Gods Word the bible, and conversely some of the glaring realities about the org.

    I am not into bashing the org, so you will probably never see those types of comments from me. That type of conversation, in my opinion, serves no real purpose other than to provide an outlet for pent up emotion and heartache. I am not frustrated with God...just disheartened by some of my current revelations about the org. I prefer more upbuilding talk (even tho a lot a folks here consider bashing the org I love my heavenly father...simple as that. So atheist, keep it to yourselves ;-) Just love all conversation that makes you think. So heres a condensed version of my "Witness Resume"

    - Born into the "truth"

    - Father an elder, Mother a Pioneer, 12 or so other relatives in the "truth" serving in varying levels of responsibility in the org.

    - Gave my first "talk" at the age of 5

    - Baptized Sept 11, 1993 at the age of 13

    - Fell away from 1998-2005

    - 2005 to present...Trying to be a good Christian

    I have a lot of questions that can not be answered by the Org, but have clearly been answered for me by Gods Word the bible thru the help of his spirit. Here is a quick rundown of what caused my crisis of conscience (yeah it was a good read). Blood issue, Alt Service, Oral/ Anal Sex, Existence of a GB in biblical times, "This Generation", Disfellowshipping ( not whether we should..but the extent we take it),

    Progessing truth aka "Old/ Light new light", Law or Faith and Love?...anyway

    I hope to contribute positively to the board, and i pray that "the love of christ which surpasses all knowledge" envelopes the hearts of each and every person here...

    Oh yeah if anyone would like to talk to me personally about anything I have said or say (future tense) on the board feel free to call me at 904-555-1234. Yes, thats not my real number...I know yall thinking im [edited to add: Forget the elders, consider that this post is open to the world. There's all kinds of crazy out there, not to mention identity theft. It's just plain good sense to maintain a certain privacy on the internet. - jgnat]

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    Hi Anthony, Welcome to the forum, from one of those evil atheists. ;) Keep true to yourself - the rest will come I guess.

  • middleman

    Welcome Anthony....that's my name! It's great to see a JW come to the Lord. Good deal good deal! I might call ya.


  • Ima Apostate
    Ima Apostate

    Best of luck to you... It is so much fun, learning the truth, but it also is a lot of work. You may find it takes a lot of soul searching to rid yourself of some of the JW doctrine, even when you want to.

    I look forward to reading your future posts.

  • snowbird

    Welcome, Anthony Alexander.

    I, too, am a follower of Christ who's trying to let my light shine.

    May your measuring line fall in pleasant places.


  • BabaYaga

    Hello and welcome.

  • 10p

    Hi Anthony,

    glad to hear you're trying to remain upbuilding even after learning about the org. some people are bitter, but then, some people have had really bad experiences in the org.

    I have found real truth to be very elusive. I wouldn't call myself atheist, nor christian, nor muslim, nor hindu, nor anything else. The one thing I have found truly satisfying is NOT having to 'subscribe' to any one philosophy or doctrine. I love many of Jesus' teachings, but not all. Same goes for most religions, and even secular humanism (most/all of whom are atheists/agnostics).

    Not trying to bash the Christians here, but please, allow a person some space before you try and make them believe in Jesus the way you do.

    Keep seeking, Anthony.

  • WingCommander

    First, welcome.

    Second, you are just asking to be DF'd and shunned, aren't you? I mean.....I would bet money that in less than a month the Elders will be calling you to the back room for a JC just for posting on here. I mean, you gotta make the Bethel boys that monitor this site at least WORK for your info instead of just giving it to them!!

    Enjoy your stay, you're gonna need it.


    Wing Commander

  • Honesty

    Hi Anthony.

    Welcome to the board.

    I used to live in Volusia County.

    BTW, the elders will probably invite you to meet with them since you have given out so much 411 about yourself.

    Fear not.

    I told Brooklyn Bethel that the Governing Body is a False Prophet that has never had Jesus' stamp of approval and I'm still kickin'.

    My God, Jesus is bigger than their satanic god from hell.

  • dirtyknections

    Lol...thank you all for the the way i accidentally posted a duplicate post in the bible and doctrine ignore that one...but as far as being concerned about someone monitoring the board and then running and telling my cong so they can DF me...that i am not not worried about ;-) I am only concerned with staying true to the scriptures...and if the people who supposedly watch this board consider my presence here a "violation" of some sort...i say show me in scripture where talking about the bible is condemned...and if they feel my presence here is a "DF offense" then so be it... By the way a couple people in the other thread thought because i posted so much personal information that it had to be a joke...for the record i'm just a real open and honest person...and i see no reason to hide from anyone... for the folks that do..i can understand your concerns...your situation is obviously different from mind...and you want to careful about stiring the pot or ruffling the feathers..i respect and appreciate that...the org is diehard about "keeping the flock clean" sort of speak...and the loss of family and friends can be traumatic...shoot!!! it would rock my world a little bit ;-) i can definately understand and respect that... But if really want to know if this is a joke, ask the poster "middleman"..he actually called me last night and we talked for a couple hours...very cool guy by the way..very open minded and non-judgemental..hey "middleman" i'm getting those scriptures together...don't forget to get me that info on the nephilim... But anywho...the offer me up lets chat..and like someone in my duplicate thread said, "Lets get ready to rumble"..;-)

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