The UN and the Watchtower Society

by Norm 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Norm

    Considering the simple fact that the Watchtower Society has declared the United Nations an organization lead by Satan, it certainly devote a lot of attention to what the UN do and say.

    *** w99 5/1 15 "Let the Reader Use Discernment" ***
    The Watchtower definitively said: “The whole tendency of the League of Nations is to turn the people away from God and from Christ, and it is therefore a desolating thing, the product of Satan, and an abomination in the sight of God.” So in 1919 “the disgusting thing” appeared. In time, the League gave way to the United Nations. Jehovah’s Witnesses have long exposed these human peace organizations as disgusting in God’s sight.

    The Awake! Magazine in particular is full of quotes from various UN reports and other UN material. The latest and most interesting development regarding this can be found in July 22. Issue of Awake which talk about the UN “International Year of Volunteers”. Apparently both Satan and the Watchtower Society think this is an excellent idea and the Awake report:

    International Year of Volunteers

    On November 20,1997, the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed the year 2001 to be the "International Year of Volunteers," (IYV 2001). According to the UN, there are four objectives to be achieved during the year.

    Increased recognition Governments are encouraged to recognize the importance of volunteers by studying and recording their achievements and bestowing awards on outstanding volunteer activities.

    Increased facilitation Countries are urged to encourage volunteerism by, for example, accepting volunteer service as an alternative to military service or providing certain tax exemptions.

    Networking The media are invited to assist more in publicizing success stories of volunteer work. As a result, such projects could be replicated, "avoiding the need for each local community to reinvent the wheel."

    Promotion Volunteer organizations are encouraged to arrange exhibitions to inform the public about the benefits that society is reaping from volunteer work.

    The UN hopes that IYV 2001 will result in more requests for the services of volunteers, in more offers from people to serve as volunteers, and in more funding and facilities for volunteer organizations to tackle society's growing needs. A total of 123 governments have joined in sponsoring the objectives of this UN resolution. Awake! July 22, 2001 Box page 5

    Now let us see what Brooklyn consider would tackle “society’s growing needs”? What benefits do society reap from the work of the Watchtower Society and Jehovah's Witnesses?

    The first example is from Brazil, (on page 6) where a Jehovah's Witness woman, Sirly is teaching 60 senior citizens to read and write. It is no doubt a very commendable and good thing, but is Sirly doing this to “tackle the needs” of the larger society? Or is she in fact conducting a “Bible study” with the aim of converting people to her religion? Of course we know the answer to that. Do the Awake! Article bother to mention this interesting detail? No, of course not. Then follows a litany of how the same thing is done in Africa and how impressed everybody is with the Witnesses, Awake! Reports that they even got an Award for this in Burundi.

    On page 8, the Kobe earthquake disaster is mentioned. The Witness community in Japan was of course organizing help for the Jehovah's Witnesses in Kobe. It is really interesting to see how the writer strive to make it appear that the supplies contributed was for the general relief effort. Yet he didn’t want to lie so look at the wording of this sentence:

    “One Christian elder involved In the relief work found that his Kingdom Hall was soon stocked with more supplies than could be used. What was to be done with it all?”
    Awake! July 22, 2001, page 8.

    Here Jehovah's Witnesses was in a disaster area with thousands of people needing the supplies they had stocked in the KH, and the Elder had a problem? Why was it more than he could use? Because the Jehovah's Witnesses in Kobe that was affected by the quake didn’t need more of it of course. Was Jehovah's Witnesses even considering giving any of these supplies to worldly citizens of Kobe? No way. They gave their surplus to a hospital, which “later became very cooperative with patients who are Jehovah's Witnesses” according to Awake!

    Then on page 9 the magazine brags about an enormous relief aid program out of France for Congo. Of course the article surgically avoid telling that this was also for other Jehovah's Witnesses alone.

    Of course as always the Awake! Can’t avoid pointing out that relief work and such is of secondary importance. The Watchtower Society and Jehovah's Witnesses greatest contribution for the benefit of society is the world wide “Bible Education program”. Yes, you heard (read) right.

    The Awake say:

    “education is imperative because it develops a person's ability to make decisions that will improve his life. That is why today over six million part time and full time volunteers are using their time, efforts, and resources to provide free Bible education to the public.” Awake! July 22, 2001, page 11.

    According the Awake” their Bible education give people something they call “A purpose in life”. We know that this “education” program have had great “impact” on millions of people. It has caused millions to skip needed education and good jobs to “pioneer”. It has “educated” them about resisting blood transfusions and it has taught them all they know about shunning and such wonderful “knowledge”.

    The Awake concludes the article like this:

    “By providing Bible education, Jehovah's Witnesses perform a volunteer service with long lasting benefits. How long lasting? God's Word states: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." (John 17:3) Imagine participating in a program with everlasting benefits now that is a form of volunteer service that truly makes a difference! 1s that not the type of program you would like to learn more about? If so, contact Jehovah's Witnesses in your community. Acting on this invitation will be a step you will not regret.” Awake! July 22, 2001, page 12.

    This sums up the Watchtower Society’s contribution to Satan’s proclaimed “Year of Volunteers”
    Pretty pathetic but if you are an idiot you might be able to convince yourself that such far fetched nonsense actually contribute to anything. It is however interesting to see how Brooklyn apparently is trying to appear mainstream and kiss up to such UN sponsored ideas. Brooklyn quite clearly is a very ambivalent towards UN. Take a look at this quote from the Watchtower:

    *** w95 10/1 3 Fifty Years of Frustrated Efforts ***
    For 50 years the United Nations organization has made notable efforts to bring about world peace and security. Arguably, it may have prevented a third world war, and the wholesale destruction of human life through the use of nuclear bombs has not been repeated. The United Nations has provided millions of children with food and medicine. It has contributed to improved health standards in many countries, providing, among other things, safer drinking water and immunization against dangerous diseases. Millions of refugees have received humanitarian assistance.
    In recognition of its accomplishments, the United Nations organization has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize five times. Yet, the lamentable fact of life is that we still do not live in a world without war.

    The Watchtower Society never tires of proclaiming what a despicable organization the UN is, how hopeless it is, how little it has accomplished, etc. The Watchtower Society, Jehovah's Witnesses have the ONLY solution. As we can see above, the Watchtower has to admit that UN has accomplished a whole lot in about 50 years. If we for a moment compare what the UN has achieved in those 50 years with what the Watchtower Society has achieved in 120 years?

    Are there anyone here who are in doubt about who has benefited humankind the most?
    Is it the UN or is it the Idiots that write drivel like this:

    *** w88 12/15 21-2 "Fear God and Give Him Glory" ***
    11 During the past 74 years, loyal anointed Christians, together with increasing numbers of the great crowd, have continued to FEAR GOD AND GIVE HIM GLORY. We have steadfastly declined to worship any nationalistic segment of the wild beast. We have refused to glorify the beast’s image—the League of Nations and the UN—for we realize that “the kingdom of our Lord [Jehovah] and of his Christ” alone can bring in true peace and security.

    *** w88 12/15 22 "Fear God and Give Him Glory" ***
    Most reprehensible has been her political philandering, even to the point of jockeying for prominence in riding the peace and security beast—the UN.

    *** w86 10/1 20 Peace From God-When? ***
    She commits spiritual harlotry by getting involved in politics. Religion’s linking up with the UN in the world’s campaign for peace and security is an example of this. She would also like to have peace and security from God’s judgment message proclaimed by Jehovah’s Witnesses. To this end, she has influenced some governments to ban the Christian activity of the Witnesses.

    *** w84 9/15 15 "All Israel" Saved to Bless All Mankind ***
    No, the UN is not a blessing, even though the religious clergy of Christendom and the rabbis of Jewry pray heaven’s blessing upon that organization. It is really “the image of the wild beast,” the visible political, commercial organization of “the god of this system of things,” Satan the Devil. So the UN will soon be destroyed along with that beastly organization.

    Now, what good has distributing this complete nonsense which is part of this wonderful “Bible education” program, ever done? What possible benefit has it been to anybody?


  • logical

    Hypocrisy at its lowest.

  • fodeja

    Great work as usual, Norm.

    It's amazing to see again and again that those jerks are condemned by their very own words. As a matter of fact, they have built up such a massive repository of bullshit in 120 years of existence, you have to wonder if there is _anything_ they could write without contradicting themselves?


  • MacHislopp

    Hello Norm,

    I have read the magazines, and I do find your
    analysis EXCELLENT, LOGICAL and TRUE. Thanks a lot, and I'll
    keep the "older quotes" for my file.

    Thanks again, greetings J.C.MacHislopp

  • LDH
    Imagine participating in a program with everlasting benefits now that is a form of volunteer service that truly makes a difference!

    Um, if you live long enough to see it. I mean, what with the starvation and the Aids crisis, and the civil wars and the......of course, it's more important to read the AFake and Washtower and learn about some crackhead's pipe dream.

    Norm, do you have the articles you've written anywhere on the web?


  • Maximus

    I say, Norm, wasn't there an experience told at all district conventions this series wherein a nice lady spent all her time in such volunteer work, even listed many of the activities noted in Awake!

    And she gave it all up for --- pioneering. (Audience applauds.)

    Mmmmm. But they can show this magazine to unsuspecting government officials in some country who will never suspect .....

    Remembering Metatron's rant ...

  • sf

    Discussions on this topic (UN) here:


    A post re: WTBTS: <

    This was in the engine as well:


    A portion as you scroll:

    ..."He also reports on the United Nations' recent World Food Summit, in Italy, where it was decided that fertilizer and farming must be controlled. "Food is power!" roared one influential global politician."....

    " Hidden Connections - The Jehovah's Witnesses, the Masonic Lodge, and the Illuminati Conspiracy: Texe Marrs reports on the mind-boggling links between the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) religion, the Masons, and Illuminism. He documents that the founder of the JWs was a Mason and an occult pyramidologist. Moreover, the Watchtower Society is based on the principles of Rosicrucianism, Egyptianism, and mystical (false) Zionism. Texe also examines the many JW prophecies - providing dates for the date of the end of the world - which failed to come to pass."....

    All I can say about this one is WOWEEEEEEE:


    (this link is simply a plethra of info...) Here is a portion:

    (For those brainwashed folks who think that this free advertising for Anton LaVey was just for the sake of finding a good story for the Daily News and McCall, I can show you dozens of better juicier stories that never have seen the light of day--because they are contrary to what the Illuminati want people to hear. I won’t argue that a story on Satanism may be interesting, I am pointing out that many other interesting stories don’t get printed. Stories are selected by an editor, they don’t just happen.) Finally on June 19, 1972 Time Magazine provided more coverage for LaVey with an article “The Occult: A Substitute Faith.” Believe me, the sincere devout Christian groups haven’t ever received such nice free publicity. I’m not referring to men like 33° Mason Billy Graham, who works for the New World Order and Knights Templar Mason Charles T. Russell, founder of the Watchtower Society who both received great press coverage. Another minor example, and I am pointing out minor examples because they occur many times during the course of year, is Van Daniken’s UFO books."...(scroll further):

    "5. Their influence has contributed to various anti-Christian organizations being set up.

    Maurice Strong is a good friend of the Rockefellers. He has been promoting Mother Gaia worship. David Rockefeller works with Maurice Strong and his New Age ideas. Reverend Moon from Korea has been very much loved by the Rockefellers. Moon calls himself Christ and is setting up a religion promoting internationalism. His religion is also a good testing ground for brainwashing/recruiting techniques that are being perfected by the NWO. The Rockefellers have been helping Moon, who also has his primary mansion in NY. Also of interest is that the prominent political figures that have endorsed Moon are those with ties to the NWO, and include Ted Kennedy, Mason Mark C. Hatfield, Mason Jesse Helms, & Illuminatus William F. Buckley, Jr. (See pg. 32-33 of The Puppet Master by J. Isamu Yamamoto.) A lesser known group is the Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship (SFF) in Independence, MO. Their address was Exec. Plaza, 10715 Winner Rd, 64052. They were founded in 1956. Just like Reverend Moon they claim to be Christians, but teach and practice other things. They teach and practice the occult."

    Here is a photo of John D. Rockefeller, Sr.:


    (truly not of this world, that's what I(eye) "see")

    endnotes to the page: <ENDNOTES
    * Walton, Ann D. and Marianna O. Lewis, Editors. The Foundation Directory Ed. 2. NY: Published by Russell Sage Foundation, 1964, p.584.
    ** Lewis, Marianna 0. and Patricia Bowers, Editors. The Foundation Directory Ed. 4. NY: Columbia University Press, 1971, p.342.
    *** Garonzik, Elan, ed. compiled by The Foundation Center. The Foundation Grants Index 13 Edition. NY: The Foundation Center, 1984, pp. 369-372.
    **** Ibid., pp. 372-373.
    ***** Allen1 Gary. The Rockefeller File. Boring, OR: CPA Publishers, (reprint of 1976 edition), p. 47.
    ****** Walton, op. cit.
    ******* Allen, op. cit., p. 45

    Allen, Gary. The Rockefeller File. Boring, OR: CPA Book Publishers, 1991. (reprint of 1976 ed.)
    Bailey, Alice. The Externalization of the Hierarchy. NY (866 United Nations Plaza!): Lucis Publishing Co., 1982.

    Foundation Directories from 1964, 1971, 1984.

    Josephson, Emanuel M. The Truth About Rockefeller ‘Public Enemy No 1” Studies in Criminal Psychopathy. NY: Chedney Press, 1964.

    Springmeier, Fritz. Be Wise As Serpents. Portland, OR : Fritz Springmeier, 1991.

    Interviews--with ex-Illuminati Manuscript--from ex-high ranking Mason who strangely died (it was called a suicide) soon after completing his expose of the New World Order’s elite.

    Here, the author of the site states, re: his interest in the 13 bloodlines:

    (you can click the link to read this portion...or shall i may opt later to paste it)

    sKally, "VERY APOSTATE" klass...NOT a rocket scientist!

  • Norm

    Hi Lisa,

    Norm, do you have the articles you've written anywhere on the web?


    Yes, some of it is here:


  • gsark

    Norm is stomping in puddles again. Here, let me help...

    From the WT 99 cd-rom

    WT 5/1/99
    Subsequently, in its December 15, 1929, issue, on page 374, The Watchtower definitively said: ?The whole tendency of the League of Nations is to turn the people away from God and from Christ, and it is therefore a desolating thing, the product of Satan, and an abomination in the sight of God.? So in 1919 ?the disgusting thing? appeared. In time, the League gave way to the United Nations. Jehovah?s Witnesses have long exposed these human peace organizations as disgusting in God?s sight.

    9 The preceding article summarized a clarified view of much of Matthew chapters 24 and 25. Is some clarification in order regarding ?the disgusting thing standing in a holy place?? Apparently so. Jesus? prophecy closely links the ?standing in a holy place? with the outbreak of the foretold ?tribulation.? Hence, even though ?the disgusting thing? has long existed, the link between its ?standing in a holy place? and the great tribulation should affect our thinking. How so?
    10 God?s people once understood that the first phase of the great tribulation began in 1914 and that the final part would come at the battle of Armageddon. (Revelation 16:14, 16; compare The Watchtower, April 1, 1939, page 110.) So we can understand why it was once thought that the latter-day ?disgusting thing? must have stood in a holy place soon after World War I.

    11 However, in later years we have come to see things differently. On Thursday, July 10, 1969, at the ?Peace on Earth? International Assembly in New York City, F. W. Franz, then vice president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, gave an electrifying talk. In reviewing the previous understanding of Jesus? prophecy, Brother Franz said: ?The explanation was given that the ?great tribulation? had begun in 1914 C.E. and that it was not allowed to run its full course then but God stopped World War I in November of 1918. From then on God was allowing an interval for the activity of his anointed remnant of elect Christians before he let the final part of the ?great tribulation? resume at the battle of Armageddon

    WT 8/1/99
    ?All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.??Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948

    This although quoting the Un is making the point that the Un cannot bring human equality. The fact the the WT/GB does not bring equality to women and children either is beside the point?

    WT 9/15/99
    According to a United Nations report, 1.3 billion people in the developing world have to survive on the equivalent of less than one U.S. dollar a day.

    WT 12/1/99
    ?Apocalypse is today not merely a biblical depiction but it has become a very real possibility.??Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, former secretary-general of the United Nations

    poking fun at the UN again for their interpretaion of the word Apocalypse.

    WT 4/1/98
    (Based on 1994 Demographic Yearbook, United Nations, New York 1996)

    WT 8/1/98
    Commenting on such trends, the United Nations report ?Impact of Armed Conflict on Children? states: ?More and more of the world is being sucked into a desolate moral vacuum.?

    This desire has led sincere people to attempt to bring a measure of justice to human society. To that end, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly, states: ?All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood

    The realization of this objective, as the preamble of the UN Declaration points out, would serve as ?the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the world.?

    WT 9/15/98
    The United Nations Children?s Fund calculates that in the last ten years, two million children have been killed in wars.

    (I don?t know if this is the United nations or not.)

    WT 2/1/97
    According to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ?everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.? This includes a person?s right ?to change his religion or belief,? along with the freedom ?to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.??Article 18.

    WT 7/15/97
    The United Nations Children?s Fund reports that ?commercial sexual exploitation is damaging children in virtually every country of the world.?

    WT 9/1/97
    According to a United Nations forecast, soon half the population of sub-Saharan Africa will be living in absolute poverty.

    WT 9/15/97
    Today, poverty exists in every part of the world. According to the United Nations, the greatest concentration of poverty is found in Africa. Stated a UN press release in 1996: ?Fully half of all Africans are impoverished.? Despite increasingly harsh economic circumstances, an ever-growing number of Africans are applying Bible principles in life and are faithfully serving God, confident that he will sustain them. Consider some examples from one part of our troubled world.

    And in the same issue
    ?The ten horns? depict the militarized political powers holding sway on earth. Though they now have a spiritually adulterous relationship with Babylon the Great, her time is short. This world?s political element will destroy false religion, and ?the wild beast??the United Nations?will have a principal role with ?the ten horns? in devastating her. What an occasion for praising Jehovah!?Revelation 19:1-6.

    There are plenty more of these. There are probably 2550 hits under search of the United Nations (and I didn?t search under UN) with by far the majority of the mentions taking potshots at it for failing to bring world peace. I think this makes your point Norm. Thanks, it was a fun research project.

    Splash splash

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

  • gsark

    Norm is stomping in puddles again. Here, let me help...

    From the WT 99 cd-rom

    WT 5/1/99
    Subsequently, in its December 15, 1929, issue, on page 374, The Watchtower definitively said: ?The whole tendency of the League of Nations is to turn the people away from God and from Christ, and it is therefore a desolating thing, the product of Satan, and an abomination in the sight of God.? So in 1919 ?the disgusting thing? appeared. In time, the League gave way to the United Nations. Jehovah?s Witnesses have long exposed these human peace organizations as disgusting in God?s sight.

    9 The preceding article summarized a clarified view of much of Matthew chapters 24 and 25. Is some clarification in order regarding ?the disgusting thing standing in a holy place?? Apparently so. Jesus? prophecy closely links the ?standing in a holy place? with the outbreak of the foretold ?tribulation.? Hence, even though ?the disgusting thing? has long existed, the link between its ?standing in a holy place? and the great tribulation should affect our thinking. How so?
    10 God?s people once understood that the first phase of the great tribulation began in 1914 and that the final part would come at the battle of Armageddon. (Revelation 16:14, 16; compare The Watchtower, April 1, 1939, page 110.) So we can understand why it was once thought that the latter-day ?disgusting thing? must have stood in a holy place soon after World War I.

    11 However, in later years we have come to see things differently. On Thursday, July 10, 1969, at the ?Peace on Earth? International Assembly in New York City, F. W. Franz, then vice president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, gave an electrifying talk. In reviewing the previous understanding of Jesus? prophecy, Brother Franz said: ?The explanation was given that the ?great tribulation? had begun in 1914 C.E. and that it was not allowed to run its full course then but God stopped World War I in November of 1918. From then on God was allowing an interval for the activity of his anointed remnant of elect Christians before he let the final part of the ?great tribulation? resume at the battle of Armageddon

    WT 8/1/99
    ?All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.??Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948

    This although quoting the Un is making the point that the Un cannot bring human equality. The fact the the WT/GB does not bring equality to women and children either is beside the point?

    WT 9/15/99
    According to a United Nations report, 1.3 billion people in the developing world have to survive on the equivalent of less than one U.S. dollar a day.

    WT 12/1/99
    ?Apocalypse is today not merely a biblical depiction but it has become a very real possibility.??Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, former secretary-general of the United Nations

    poking fun at the UN again for their interpretaion of the word Apocalypse.

    WT 4/1/98
    (Based on 1994 Demographic Yearbook, United Nations, New York 1996)

    WT 8/1/98
    Commenting on such trends, the United Nations report ?Impact of Armed Conflict on Children? states: ?More and more of the world is being sucked into a desolate moral vacuum.?

    This desire has led sincere people to attempt to bring a measure of justice to human society. To that end, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly, states: ?All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood

    The realization of this objective, as the preamble of the UN Declaration points out, would serve as ?the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the world.?

    WT 9/15/98
    The United Nations Children?s Fund calculates that in the last ten years, two million children have been killed in wars.

    (I don?t know if this is the United nations or not.)

    WT 2/1/97
    According to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ?everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.? This includes a person?s right ?to change his religion or belief,? along with the freedom ?to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.??Article 18.

    WT 7/15/97
    The United Nations Children?s Fund reports that ?commercial sexual exploitation is damaging children in virtually every country of the world.?

    WT 9/1/97
    According to a United Nations forecast, soon half the population of sub-Saharan Africa will be living in absolute poverty.

    WT 9/15/97
    Today, poverty exists in every part of the world. According to the United Nations, the greatest concentration of poverty is found in Africa. Stated a UN press release in 1996: ?Fully half of all Africans are impoverished.? Despite increasingly harsh economic circumstances, an ever-growing number of Africans are applying Bible principles in life and are faithfully serving God, confident that he will sustain them. Consider some examples from one part of our troubled world.

    And in the same issue
    ?The ten horns? depict the militarized political powers holding sway on earth. Though they now have a spiritually adulterous relationship with Babylon the Great, her time is short. This world?s political element will destroy false religion, and ?the wild beast??the United Nations?will have a principal role with ?the ten horns? in devastating her. What an occasion for praising Jehovah!?Revelation 19:1-6.

    There are plenty more of these. There are probably 2550 hits under search of the United Nations (and I didn?t search under UN) with by far the majority of the mentions taking potshots at it for failing to bring world peace. I think this makes your point Norm. Thanks, it was a fun research project.

    Splash splash

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

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