Ozzie's Weekend Poll #40

by ozziepost 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    Yes, that's right! We're 40 today! To mark the occasion, we have a "special request" topic for this weekend's poll. It comes from onacruse. So are ya ready? Then, let's reminisce together and share in this weekend's fortieth weekend poll.

    This weekend's topic is:

    "What would you do if the elders unexpectedly visited you in the hospital?" (courtesy of onacruse)

    1. Hide under the sheets.

    2. Smile and ask who they are.

    3. Pretend to be asleep.

    4. Press the alarm button and demand to have them thrown out.

    5. Ask them what they think of the WTS being an NGO member of the UN.

    6. Ask if they've seen the "Sunday"/"Dateline"/"Panorama" etc program?

    7. Ask if they've come to collect your report?

    8. Ask them "Why are you here?"

    9. Thank them for their loving concern.

    10. Other (please detail)

    Enjoy. Keep those replies coming.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • myself

    9. Thank them for their loving concern. (must include eyeroll)


    8. Ask them "Why are you here?"

  • Scully

    I would love to do #4.

    Ring for the nurse and have them escorted out by hospital security personnel.

    Alternatively, I would pick "Other" and BARFFFFFFFF all over them.

    Love, Scully

  • pr_capone

    LMAO at #7 - that would be hysterical!!!!!!!

    But alas I would it would have to be #5

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • hippikon

    a) Hide under sheets (With attractive nurse)

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Oz. "Other". Id get a screen put round my bed and make them sit on the other side of it so my eyes were not seared by the sight of them, and Id put ear plugs in that my ears not be offended by their clashing "symbollike" voices.

    Then Id just keep reading my book . Lol.

  • Prisca

    8. Ask them "Why are you here?"

    9. Thank them for their loving concern.

    And then tell them to leave. I don't have to answer to those "men" anymore.

  • blackout

    9. Thank them for their loving concern.

    8. Ask them "Why are you here?"

    Then pretend to fall asleep because my meds were so strong.

  • lisavegas420

    #2 Smile and ask who they are

    #10 other: Why are you here & who sent you.


  • blondie

    First, I would have already determined who my permitted visitors would be with the doctors and nurses and other staff in writing and discuss with them in person emphasizing how it would affect my physical well-being. I would definitely exclude all clergy including the in-house priest or minister. (I have family that have been forbidden access to my hospital room in the past as well so I know how to do this.) I usually have a LIST of who IS ALLOWED in posted on the door . Not on the list, no see until hospital staff check with me first and not with the visitor trailing behind them. "If you are visiting Blondie and your name is not on this list, please check with the nurses station."

    If somehow the elders circumvented those written and verbal instructions, I would do #4, call the hospital staff and request politely that these men be shown out and have the visitor rules explained. While I was waiting, if mobile, I would excuse myself to use the bathroom and vomit noisily. Otherwise, I would start make vomiting noises right then. Men have no stomach for this and would vanish quickly.


    In my experience, most men/brothers hate going to the hospital to visit sick people. They farm it out to the sisters. If elders show up, they are not there to hold your hand and encourage you but to check up on your blood use status.

    I have had my husband maintain a vigil in my room along with his immediate family. Once a brother showed up unannounced while I was sleeping. My mother-in-law shooed him and out and told the hospital staff that they had erred in letting him in.

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