What Do You Think?

by silentlambs 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • silentlambs

    Some legal experts advise reporting the MURDER to the authorities as soon as possible. In some lands the legal system may require this. But in other places the legal system may offer little hope of successful prosecution.

    Some legal experts advise reporting the RAPE to the authorities as soon as possible. In some lands the legal system may require this. But in other places the legal system may offer little hope of successful prosecution.

    Some legal experts advise reporting the THEFT to the authorities as soon as possible. In some lands the legal system may require this. But in other places the legal system may offer little hope of successful prosecution.

    Some legal experts advise reporting the ASSUALT to the authorities as soon as possible. In some lands the legal system may require this. But in other places the legal system may offer little hope of successful prosecution.

    Some legal experts advise reporting the BANK ROBBERY to the authorities as soon as possible. In some lands the legal system may require this. But in other places the legal system may offer little hope of successful prosecution.

    Some legal experts advise reporting the ANIMAL CRUELTY to the authorities as soon as possible. In some lands the legal system may require this. But in other places the legal system may offer little hope of successful prosecution.

    Some legal experts advise reporting the VANDALISM to the authorities as soon as possible. In some lands the legal system may require this. But in other places the legal system may offer little hope of successful prosecution.

    Would Watchtower say the above about any of the crimes described? Then why does it make this statement about child molestation:

    Some legal experts advise reporting the abuse to the authorities as soon as possible. In some lands the legal system may require this. But in other places the legal system may offer little hope of successful prosecution. AWAKE!-10-8-93

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    I think the world and all its institutions are basically run by men, and they all have dicks, and they all have skeletons of one kind or another in their dark closets, and they all have mates, and they all feel personal loyalties to their mates, and they all protect each other all up and down the entire structure of our society.
    Thats what I think.

  • Sunspot


    Would Watchtower say the above about any of the crimes described? Then why does it make this statement about child molestation:

    Some legal experts advise reporting the abuse to the authorities as soon as possible. In some lands the legal system may require this. But in other places the legal system may offer little hope of successful prosecution. AWAKE!-10-8-93



    I think the weasel-word masters were planting mental seeds through the AWAKE! magazine, so that JW readers would consequently feel it would be useless to report molestations to their "Spiritual Shepherds"

    Shredded families and ruined lives;
    The WBTS has MUCH to answer for......



  • plmkrzy

    To me it sounds more like they're sugesting not to expect any real help from the legal system as aposed to there "Spiritual Shepherds"

    "I look to the sea, reflections in the waves spark my memory
    Some happy,some sad"

    This one most definitely Happy
  • Simon

    very subtle way of making people feel that maybe they shouldn't report something and if they did then maybe they would be in the wrong.

    "authorities" "legal system" are key-words for JWs to mean "under satans control" or "not us" and they are warned many times to stay away from them.

  • anewperson

    It's their way of saying we tell elders to not report everything all the time like child sex abuse to the police

    because it would be ineffective for the elders to do that.

    Yet they have no problem with saying report other crimes.

    Why? Methinks I spell the aftermath of Leo Greenlees the Gov Body member so many have said was quietly reassigned when it became more known that he was also a child molesting pedophile.

    Methinks some of the odors from the current Gov Body smell not so fragrant too.

  • ashitaka

    Simon, you're right about the words. Giving titles to everything helps the mindless masses associate certain actions of the government as 'necessary' or 'oppressive'.

    The quote is kind of a weak one to put on the borg, but I see your point, Bill. It's a subtle softening of their consciences, but they've said better things than that.

    I know that they normally just use lies to hide the truth from the masses (as in the case of my molested friend).

    When the victim tries to kill themselves after everyone abandons them, the masses say, 'it's a shame she (or he) was so spiritually weak.'

    Then, if the victim survives their ordeal, and leave the Org., they will be chastised as apostate. It's amazing to me that this isn't a bigger deal in the press. Even the monolith of the catholic church is REALLY hurting from all the stuff that's been happening to them along these same lines. (Have you seen the front page of the New York Times this morning?)


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    One wonders when the WTS will stop critisizing the Pederast Priests of Christendom and say, "Welcome, Brother!"

    Refiner's Fire - just as not all women are paragons of virtue, not all men are dogs.

    - Nathan Natas, UADNA
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America)

  • TR

    Sounds like the WTSs way of saying, 'let us handle it'.

    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America)

    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

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