E-mailed legal theats (re: V's Watchtower Comments videos)

by B_Deserter 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • B_Deserter

    I just did some searching and found one thing about cease-and-desist letters. Basically, they're not legally binding, but a threat of legal action. Now, for e-mail, the source of the message can be easily manipulated and falsified. Lawyers may send the threats via e-mail, but should also follow up with two certified snail-mail letters.

    I am not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice, but if I received an e-mail such as the one V and DT received, and did not receive a certified letter in the mail soon after, I would not regard the threat as genuine. If they're not going to go through the minimal effort to send you a legally-certified document indicating their intentions, they're probably not going to bother suing you, if it was even a lawyer who sent the e-mail in the first place.

  • DT

    Thank you for this information.

    Now, for e-mail, the source of the message can be easily manipulated and falsified.

    I was wondering about that. I would suspect the notices to be fake, except the videos are gone. They are listed as private. I assume Youtube did this, unless V did it for some reason. I suppose the request to Youtube could be fake too. It might be worth writing to the directors of Knocking and see if they are willing to confirm or deny that they sent the notices.

    I know it's common to send certified letters, but I keep my identity and address private and I'm sure V does too. Certified letters don't appear to be necessary in this case. They can just ask Youtube to remove the videos. If you want to object, you have to go through a procedure that involves sending personal information to Youtube. The contact information is sent to the person claiming copyright infringement. I don't think it would be worth it because then they would have the information they need to sue you.

  • senora

    I so agree with this guy Desenter. .

    Anyway, don't be intimidated please. They know jw's are not educated and are big kiss butt scardy cats. Now, maybe they can get in touch with youtube. I'm not sure about that. But... first of all, the knocking guys I'm sure are NOT the ones behind this. The SOCIETY is.

    Now personally if I were this guy from knocking, I couldn't care less about the 3 second thingy. I'm sure its the society doing this on behalf of the knocking guy, who I'm sure by now is offended that the Society doesn't like gays and therefore, has changed their perception of the WTS. I think this is a bullying tactic by the WTS. Why?

    Well, I so happens that I know, from an inside source, that the WTS is on a mission to find copyright infringement people on the internet. I so happen to know this crazy sister who has nothing to do but google and surf the net for copywrite infringment sites and blogs and then guess what??? She sends them to the Society via e-mail and she tries to act like she's their lawyer. She kills me. What a poor sad mentally disturbed sis with no life who needs a man desperately. Anyway, that's another thread.

    IMO, they are trying to intimidate everyone on the net to get the negative stuff off the web because they don't want anyone to see them being exposed so perfectly and eloquently. But I don't think they can speak on behalf of the Knocking guy. I would make sure that if they do get in touch with youtube or you, make sure it is in fact from knocking and not from the society. I don't think the knocking guy is with this. Sorry, but I don't. Really, the knocking guys just want to make a buck and do a good video for exposure to get a great film deal to get their foot in the door. Its not like the knocking guy became a JW after this experience. HELLO!!! Trust me, he got a real education from the xJW's. Like the WT Comments said.....READ BETWEEN THE LINES. LOL Personally, when I read the first thread on this subject over the weekend or was it last week, I personally thought this is not knocking, this is the WTS. Of course, the WTS has the lawyers, but the knocking guy doesn't. Do you really think he's working along with the GB?? Would the GB support or deal with a real live homosexual??? HECK TO THE NO!!! I would make sure that the email is in fact from knocking and and that knocking is in agreement with the warning email, or you could get in touch with the Knocking guy and ask him if the e-mail was from him.

    But be warned the WTS is in a war with the internet, this is a mission that can cause their demise. but I say, don't let them scare you, really don't. Its just Philistine taunts. LOL

    I love the WT comments, please keep them coming and even if you do have to change the 3 second part, so the heck what, you are helping so many people with the WT comments. I just can't wait for the next one, its the highlight of my life right now. Also, its great and you most certainly have their wrapt attention because you are showing them up to be the hypocrites that they trylyt are, you are brilliant. May the force continue to be with you to expose the false hypocrites. You're doing an excellent job. They can't get over the fact that they have gone through all of this trouble to just get the study article to only JW's and you still have access to their deceit and can still expose them. They are pissed to the extreme. The are probably having GB meetings over these WT comments. LOL The last WT comment was excellent about depression. You are doing a great job at exposing the wolves. With all sincerety, thank you for your hard work. N, Keep them commin baby!!!

  • Layla33

    Cease and desist is the first step, but I really believe he should be prepared and educated on the laws of intellectual property. There is no doubt in my mind that the JW legal department is aware of "V" videos, they don't really want to spend any money, so they alerted these guys to using their material, and let them know it was a copyright infringement. I don't think a lawyer is officially involved, but I know enough about legal actions, that this may be the first stage - as in, send a strongly worded email with legal references, at this stage most people stop, if not, it is then up to them where it will go.

  • senora

    Which is why I would find out if the e-mail is for a fact sent from the Knocking guys. And then, me personally, I would have a consultation with a litigation attorney who deals with patents and copyright law and find out what the deal is. You could do the researc on the internet. If it is from the knocking guys (which would be the first priority of business for me) fine take it off but if not, hey, just hang out for a minute and see what happens, don't worry, its not like you'd have to pay a fine or anything.

    I just wouldn't jump right now. I would hang out for a minute and not worry about it. I would wait for the very last minute. I know a lot about law. Now, if there is a chance youtube would thow you off the site forever well make that move but if there's no chance not being banned foever, well, don't worry. Come on, don't let them scare you. really. just do your homework.

  • B_Deserter

    Lawyers have other ways of obtaining your IP address. Your actual name and address is on record with your internet service provider. E-mail addresses can easily be tracked to the ISP, and then the lawyer would go to the ISP, petitioning them for the name and address of the e-mail they claim is breaking the law. most of the time, the ISP will then give the lawyer this information, and viola! they have tracked you down.

    Bottom-line, I wouldn't take anything seriously until I got a certified letter in my hand. Of course, places like YouTube are different, and they will pretty much take down any video they get an e-mail about. To them, it is easier just to take the video down than to risk expensive litigation, no matter how miniscule the threat of it is. They undoubtedly get thousands of these e-mails a day, and weighing the legal ramifications of each one is simply not plausible.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Just so you know, Youtube is the force to be reckoned with. If they receive a letter of complaint about a perceived copyright violation they simply take down the video and send a message to the page holder that it was removed due to copyright infringement. No debates, no letters and its done. I've had two videos removed this way. You may appeal but in the meantime you are out of luck. I know all the legal talk is interesting, but it won't change the draconian approach that Youtube takes. If they remove more than a few they will block a person from having any future account. V is better off revising and reposting if he desires to continue his series. I'm not speaking from any legal expertise, just the reality of Youtube. W.Once

  • B_Deserter

    I wonder if in an actual legal case the fair use clause could be invoked. Since the videos are used for the purpose of criticism and commentary, I would argue that they have journalistic and editorial merit. Using the material to criticize and debate is not infringement. However, since the clip itself is not part of the argument, that would be a hard argument to make.

  • WTWizard

    It is a blatant attempt on the Watchtower Society's part to control all information. The last time a group was successful in doing what they wish to do, they started mankind into the First Dark Ages. The Watchtower Society will stop at nothing to threaten, harass, and beat people into removing information (including original observations) that clashes with the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger. Once that is done, they will take control of education, and then everything else.

    If they get that far, they will simply assume ownership of everything. Your money will belong to the Watchtower Society, which can then take it away and squander it defending pedophiles at will. Your computer will belong to them. You will rent your home from the Watchtower Society, even if it's already paid for from the bank. You will work for the Watchtower Society, which will assume control of all "businesses" including home based business. And, whatever the Watchtower Society tells you will be the absolute truth, even if it is blatantly wrong and contradicts what they taught yesterday.

    And then we will be in the Second Dark Ages. Unlike the First Dark Ages, this time it will be absolute. They have the technology to intercept outlier regions (the original Catholic church did not). That means, if they do get the Second Dark Ages going like they are trying, it will be forever.

  • bite me
    bite me

    If it is NOT from the knocking people then the WTS or someone is in trouble for sending out an e-mail using their name.

    I would check into it.

    So.. they have someone checking for copyrighted material of the WT? I'm thinking of putting a webpage up then.. lol that may take some time.

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