Open Letter To Jehovah's Witnesses

by Outaservice 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Outaservice

    I thought for some of the new ones here, that this letter would be good to repost..................... Dear Brothers: You may not remember, but I know you very well. I met you a long time ago when you came to my house with your smiling faces, your neat clothes, and your soft voices, and a Bible tucked neatly under your arm. You told me many beautiful stories of a "paradise earth," and a "righteous new system" which would be established shortly. You beguiled me; I listened and I let you teach me your form of Christ-dignity.

    I loved you, I devoted most of my life to you, I was loyal and obedient, never realizing that one day I would come to disagree with everything you had to say. When I first met you and learned of the "paradise," little did I know that in order to get to that paradise, I would have to walk over the dead bodies of beloved family, cherished friends, and casual acquaintances, because they didn't want to be Jehovah's Witnesses. With your soft, sweet voices, and gentle manner, you convinced me that everything and everyone who did not agree with you was "evil." I came to believe that other churches were bad and of the devil, and so were their members. I became convinced that all the governments were wicked, including my own, and that I was not to support the country in which I lived. I believed you, I loved you, trusted you, and served you and never suspected that you were capable of deceiving me.

    I loved you so much that I raised my precious children as Jehovah's Witnesses. I taught them that you were trustworthy, and true followers of God and Jesus. I trained them to believe your every word. How could I have known that in the future you would steal my own flesh and blood from my arms and prevent them from seeing me because I would come to disagree with you? I never noticed the fangs of oppression and tyranny that lurked behind those gentle smiles. I never knew that I would be expected to hand over my mind, soul, and spirit to you, and if I were to ever want them back, you would hold my children as hostages and no amount of begging and tears would release them from your grip because they had been raised to look at you as being God, rather than mere men.

    When I came to you, I was young and pretty and impressionable, looking for a relationship with God, my Creator. But through slick words and empty speeches you convinced me that I was not really a child of God, that my duty was to the organization-that THEY would tell me what to do and how to think. Through years of domination and manipulation I began to accept the meager food that was being offered to me, and became willing to accept it as the true "spiritual" food from the Master, while all the time feeling the gnawing at my body. Finally, I discovered that I had been robbed of my joy, my love, my compassion, and my mercy, and it was replaced with legalistic doctrinal formula which provided me with fear, guilt, and anxiety to fill my hungry heart. When I said, "I want more than this," you slapped me with your soft little hand, which had now turned into an iron fist of oppression. Yes, you fooled me all along, your deception was because you had been fooled too, a long time ago, by others who had taken you captive to their dictatorial reign of terror. You convinced me that the words of men were the words of God because you really thought it was true. I believed you because you were gently, soft spoken, and carried the Bible tucked under your arm.

    You told me that you had "freedom" and it was only later, when I tried to escape your brand of "freedom" that I discovered that the iron bars of the gate had been shut and I was at your mercy because, by this time, you had already gained control of my mind and my emotions. I cried and begged you to please let me go, and you said, with your firm, roaring voice, "not until I have stripped you naked" and you did. You stripped me of my dignity, my self-respect, my honor, and my FAMILY! You told all my family and friends that I was demonic, evil, an apostate, a spiritual fornicator, and good for nothing but total destruction by your angry God whom you had tried to pass off as a God of "love." They believed you, and they still believe you, because their eyes are blinded by the promise of "paradise" and they cannot "see" the Hell that surrounds them. The ever illusive "paradise" is held out to the gullible like a carrot in front of the nose of a rabbit, and causes them to sacrifice their family, friends, careers, education, hopes and dreams on the altar of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

    Now I'm older, now I'm wiser, but now it is too late- life is fast slipping away. Through my tears, I cry out for my beautiful daughter and grandchildren, but you grip them tighter and tighter and tell them that YOU will be their "mother." And so you are, and so you are! I begged to recapture my honor and my dignity, but you laughed with your bright, shining teeth, and said, "No way, you're on your own." Somehow those soft, pretty words weren't soft and pretty anymore, but words of slander, abuse, hatred, and hostility- and you said them in such a way that others would think that you were righteous and I was evil. You lied about me, but no one will believe you LIED because they trust you-that's because you are soft spoken, gentle, and carry a Bible tucked neatly under your arm.

    Gaila Noble

  • BizzyBee

    Yes, I remember this - it says it all. Thanks for re-posting it.

  • DT

    You did a good job of capturing the emotions of the JW experience and the disillusionment that follows.


    If you read my posts on this forum and some usenet discussion groups you may or should notice I am sympathizing with Jehovah's Witnesses despite of the numerous differences in how we understand the Bible .Nevertheless it is unavidable to recognize Jehovah's Witnesses as the best and only acceptable christian organization to set up the scenario of the end-times as predicted in the Bible. The end of the present world order would not take place unless all end-time signs preceding the actual final end of the evil world take place.

    The signs were given by God Yahweh to His people to know the time of the end . So we must search for those people whom God had given the knowledge of knowing the time.

    It must be proven that the Bible that was compiled after the first christians passed away is revelant for our times. To do so we must set dates that were originally linked to the rise of the true christian faith . These dates are 7 BC - 2 BC- 11 AD - 29 AD - 33 AD - 36 AD - 70 AD - 106 AD - 119 AD - 150 AD

    8 BC - 150 AD = 157 years must be duplicated in the end-time era to have the true christian faith again. And Luke 9.49-50 shows there are two categories of God's servants that teach the truth to the nations.

    You have to identify those servants . One small group of servants and one independent servant all from the class 144000 God's people who lead the nations to God through Christ.

    If you already read my posts the period is in our times fixed !

    1878 AD + 157 years = 2035 AD

    7 BC = 1879 AD 2 BC = 1884 AD 5 years + 152 years : 1883 AD - 2035 AD

    If we project 70 weeks of Daniel 9.24 into far distand future we have a few variations .

    607 BC + 70 weeks as 7 Times (2520 years ) + 70 years =1984 AD

    455 BC + 70 weeks as 7 Times ( 420 years ) + 70 years = 36 AD

    607 BC - 455 BC = 150 years

    1884 AD + 150 years = 2034 AD. We must find a period of 120 years in the likeness of Noah's days .

    It can be 1884 AD + 120 years = 2004 AD

    And 7 days from Genesis 7.1-4 we can consider as 7 years.

    2004 AD + 7 years = 2011 AD

    If the end must take place in 2011 AD we must have the two categories of God's servants in place now ! Matthew 24.45 speaks about the faithful servantg giving his food to his flock . This must be taking place for the end to take place !

    So we search using the Bible who bests fits the description of those two categories of servants and who have their own followers.

    One small group has the organization to rule over while the single servants can have single sympathizers as he cannot establish another competitive organization . He can not be against that small united group of servants .

    It is not about your freedom to follow the right time plan God Yahweh had established .

    It is about which religious christian organization is the best inn the light of the Bible ! You will not find another one that is better than Jehovah's Witnesses are ! Any critique anyone puts forth is without merit unless you show me the other organization that is better than Jehovah's Witnesses and it you must prove that by superimposing dates from the times when Christ and his first disciples lived upon our times ! Just as I did !

    If you don't have that you cannot cirticize Jehovah's Witnesses as you may be fighting with God of the Bible - with His end-time plan !

    Once the dates are put in place you have to explain the Book of Revelation in time setting and Matthew 24.3-31 . If the end is coming soon almost all signs must have been already fulfilled.

    I am pointing that we are today in Matthew 24.29 since August 11,1999 AD when solar eclipse took place ending the spiritual great tribulation period of 1984 AD - 1999 AD.

    Since we can notice the periods : 1984 AD - 1990 AD ,1990 AD-1994 AD,1994 AD-1999 AD we can include the period 1914 AD - 1944 AD in that tribulation.

    1914 AD - 1919 AD is for 1994 AD-1999 AD

    1929 AD - 1933 AD is for 1990 AD - 1994 AD

    1938 AD - 1944 AD is for 1984 AD - 1990 AD

    We can know now that since 1914 AD we can begin the explanation of the Book of Revelation.

    The Book of Revelation can be divided into two eqaul parts !

    chapters 1- 11 : 1914 AD - 1984 AD - 1991 AD +

    chapters 12-22 : 1914 AD - 1984 AD - 1991 AD +

  • sspo

    Thanks for such a nice letter, it expresses what each of us have gone thru and feel.

    Then OBVES shows up with his numbers to screws up a good thing

  • JWdaughter

    OBVES,get a grip. Putting your faith in chronology is NOT gonna save you-in any theology. And that chronology looks whacked.

    all the chronology in the world won't help if you are putting your trust in it.

  • Carmel

    What a well thoght out and loving response OBVES! I'm running to the local KH for a dose of your compassion and good will! carmel

  • avishai

    OBVES you are trolling . Go away.

  • LouBelle

    lovely letter - wow really.

    who is this OBVES okey pokey - there will never be an end.

  • Kinjiro

    The letter reflects exactly how most of us dfed feel.. no wonder it takes years (if no a lifetime) to get over it and get rid of the feelings of rage, resentment and stupidity inside...

    OBVES... reminds me of Jim Careys Movie 23... the guy is obssesed with numbers and years... anyone who puts the time and effort requiered can come up with some cockaminny bs dates... OBVES should call himselff OBSSD... let numbers be just that .. numbers.... get a grip on reality and quit the obsessive compulsion of tinkering with numbers...

    Besides.. if you truly believe that the bible is the word of god, doesnt it say somewhere that no one actually KNOWS (or can know) when the end is coming? come on guy, where is your FAITH in the bible? If you believe in it, why are you trying to figure out a date that you are NOT supposed to know?

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