by silentlambs 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • silentlambs

    After reviewing the British BOE letters posted here, a painful truth seems to be evident. The British brothers are apostate. I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt, but I can no longer cover for them anymore. The BOE letters from Britain clearly show as far back as 1992 the brothers there chose to encourage the witnesses in England to go to the police first on child molestation issues.

    While this is a much better and proper choice, it is in direct conflict with USA WT policy which has yet to offer that directive. It appears the British brothers were not willing to "wait on Jehovah" while thousands of children were molested as here in the USA. They run ahead of God's arrangement and did not wait on the Governing Body to develop "new light" for the children.

    While it is true children in England were protected better, it becomes a non-issue when considering apostate thinking. We can be thankful the 6-1-01 BOE letter sent from WT legal in the USA has finally put things right in Britain. If you read that letter you will note not one mention of "Ceaser" and the troubling aspect of actually turning pedophiles over to the police. I am sure the Governing Body can only hope the brothers in England will turn around stop running ahead of Jehovah's arrangement much like the example of Korah.

    This way Pedophiles in England will have equal access to Witness children as they do here in the USA with the uniform application of WT policy. English brothers, we do appreciate your efforts to do what was morally and ethically right, but "waiting on Jehovah" requires you to forgo what is morally and ethically right, instead obey the biding of the "Faithful and Discreet Slave." Doing so will no doubt bring you a princely position in the new order, where there will be no pesky authorities to bother the Governing Body's pet pedophiles.

    We hope it is not to late for you to renounce your morality and do what your Brooklyn conscience dictates. Your apostasy has now been recognized and you can be sure the Governing Body has taken note. How soon will it be before a boat load of "Given Ones" have to come to England to disfellowship the trouble makers and take over leadership positions to make sure the child molesters in England get the same privileges as here in the USA.

    While the future may bring harsh punishment when the GB takes action, I am compelled to say you tried to do the right thing and it is good to know that there are men of conscience who saw the matter and took proper action to protect children.

  • blondie

    Hi silentlambs,

    I know this is satire but it shows that the WTS is guided by legalities and not morality. I guess it's because the UK is united with one set of laws for all its citizens...where the US with its states rights mentality can have different laws in 2 states for the same crime. The WTS seems to have more fear of the governnment than God. I admire your efforts to live by your Bible-trained conscience as well as your wife and your other helpers. The evidence is gathering and I am definitely one person who will be watching when the manure hit the fan.

  • anewperson

    Other branches are showing signs of more independence of thought too such as in India and Japan. However some of the differences are actually allowed for by the Gov Body who have those for capturing or recapturing tax-exempt nonprofit status. The most recent Free Christians Newsletter notes that several ex-elders among the egroup are helping out and behind the scenes who knows how many total current elders are quietly doing the same. You're right. The trend is set. In East Europe one large group already broke off, and Poland is more independent than they'd like too. By end of this year some bright red lights will be showing up even in Africa and Latin America. I do believe Korah dwells in Brooklyn.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Silentlambs,

    thanks for giving us , such

    informations. I hope that many will take note

    of it.

    Anewperson: very interesting comments about the situation in

    many countries. I'l a vist to the Free Christian Newsletter


    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • Amazing

    Hi SilentLambs: Excellent points. It will be most interesting to see how the Society in New York treats the UK Branch in light of their conducting themselves outside and ahead of the mother organization. What is sad is that the New York corporation is so far behind the UK Branch and the rest of the world. - Amazing

  • Eusebius Hieronymus
    Eusebius Hieronymus

    Here's the real import:

    How is it that Jehovah says one thing to the U.S. and something different to the U.K.?

    One Governing Body, two policies. Which is "food at the proper time"?

    Ooops, I forgot. Jehovah's Witnesses is an American religion. God put its headquarters in Brooklyn.

    Bill's right, the Brits are apostate--which Brooklyn has known about for a very long time. Maybe October 7 is the judicial committee proceeding, hmmmm?


    Nice satire Bill

    However on your comment.
    "While it is true children in England were protected better, it becomes a non-issue when considering apostate thinking. We can be thankful the 6-1-01 BOE letter sent from WT legal in the USA has finally put things right in Britain. If you read that letter you will note not one mention of "Ceaser" and the troubling aspect of actually turning pedophiles over to the police. I am sure the Governing Body can only hope the brothers in England will turn around stop running ahead of Jehovah's arrangement much like the example of Korah. "

    None of the elders or travelling overseers saw this June Letter as a change of policy regarding informing the authorities. It was just a change in the way congregation files and forms were to be handled under the data protection.

    Just out of interest even in the past few weeks my personal experience is that advice from the British Legal Desk is still in line with stated British policy from 1992.

    US Legal has been aware of this from 1992, it still begs the question though...... doesn't it

    Keep up the good work




    By the way Bill

    I have recieved the new outline for travelling overseers to use with elders and m/s at Circuit week.

    Guess what 10 mins is devoted to the dangers of the internet and wicked people telling awful lies about the society.

    I might print off some pages from your website just to show bros how wicked the internet really is............ maybe they will see your website address??

    All the best


  • silentlambs

    While I may have worded some strong statements in the post above, I must mention what I believe that there was an adjustment in British WT policy when the 6-1-01 Boe letter was released. I refer you to a statement in that letter:

    "Those who have confessed to child molestation, or who have been found guilty of child molestation by the congregation on the basis of two or more credible witnesses, should appear on the Child Protection List. (For a definition of child molestation see paragraph 3 of our letter To All Bodies of Elders dated April 15, 1997.)"

    Here the statement is clear of not only going to the elders first, but also who makes the determination if the person is a child molester? The CONGREGATION, and how does the congregation make that determination? Do they report the matter to the police? Do they refer you to the good policy in the 1-12-00 British regarding making that determination? No, it is completely ignored and instead you are directed to reference the 97-boe letters, which give definition of how to determine a "known" child molester. What does that letter say about how you determine that? Read as follows:

    "Rather, we are referring, for example, to situations in which it is established by a congregation judicial committee that an adult brother or sister has been guilty of sexually abusing a young child or has been sexually involved with a nonconsenting minor who is approaching adulthood."

    So the question is, who establishes a "known" child molester? A congregation judicial committee, not the police. After all it is a "known" child molester only, who cannot be an elder or have privileges for a few years. How do you establish a judicial committee? First you have to have a basis to do so. As the 6-1-01 letter plainly states, a confession or two eye witnesses to the act. So when you look at what is stated I believe you have a change in British policy. You must first have an investigation; if the pedophile lies and you do not have two witnesses what are you directed to do? 6-1-01 states:

    "There are, however, many other situations that are connected with the abuse of a child. For example, there may be just one eyewitness, and the brother denies the allegation. (Deuteronomy 19:15; John 8:17) Or, he may be under active investigation by the secular authorities for alleged child abuse though the matter has not yet been established." 'In these and similar cases no entry will be made on the Child Protection List. Rather, information should be kept in a sealed envelope in the congregation’s confidential file as described below. When such individuals move, the Congregation Service Committee should write a letter addressed to the Society’s Legal Department seeking advice as to whether to communicate the details to the new congregation."

    No direction to report to police but an off hand statement that he may be under investigation by the authorities. Shouldn't all cases of reported child molestation be under investigation? Not according to this letter, you put it in a sealed envelope and don't tell anyone. The information is not even forwarded to the next congregation. That paragraph describes 90% of child molesters, that is, you will not have two eyewitnesses and they will lie about it. They are "unknown" child molesters, which make up 90% of child molesters within the organization.

    So to get back to the original statement, the 6-1-01-boe letter was a policy change, you brothers have not studied it close enough to see the subtle adjustment. That is, the CONGREGATION determines if a person is a "known" child molester. If the CONGREGATION determines the person is an "unknown" child molester no one is informed with information kept in sealed files. This is now very similar to USA policy. Elders are clearly instructed to call WT Legal as here in the USA. WT Legal instructs you not to report the matter, what are you going to do? You are not allowed to think or decide what is morally right, WT Legal does it for you and if you do not obey, your time as elder will be short.

    I served as an elder for many years and did not give a thought to what WT policy actually was. Till I became personally involved with a victim did I begin to study closely what WT policy directed elders to do. When I tried to disprove my conclusions by actually dealing with Service and Legal, it was terribly disappointing, they confirmed my worst fears.

    You brothers in England in my opinion have been hoodwinked, the change has been made and you do not even know it. Just wait till you call Wt Legal and ask for direction on a molestation issue, then your education will begin. I hope you can prove me wrong, because if you can, it will mean something better for the children. If not, what are you willing to commit to for the protection of children?
    Not one more day should pass with this bogus farce known as WT policy, it must change and people within are going to have to stand up for it to happen.

    To say, "wait on Jehovah" for policy to change is a non-statement, you could as easily say, "eat shxt and die" they are interchangeable, yet this is what witnesses are saying about taking positive action to protect children. There is no "waiting" when it comes to doing what is morally and ethically right.


    Dear Bill

    Thank you for your observations.

    You said.
    "You brothers in England in my opinion have been hoodwinked, the change has been made and you do not even know it. Just wait till you call Wt Legal and ask for direction on a molestation issue, then your education will begin."

    As per my previous post current WT Legal advice is still as per instructions DEC1 2000. I have personal knowledge of this within the last few weeks.

    The June letter is discussing data protection a subject that we have had about 11 letters on so far.

    British elders have to conform to the above D.P.A in all written reports as do all churches, business's, charities etc.

    The moral obligation however has not changed. I do have this on first hand experience.



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