The Prayer of Ramzi Yousef

by Farkel 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel

    Ramzi Yousef was the mastermind behind the major Al Qaeda attacks, including the first World Trade Center bombing, the Cole Bombing and others. He had plotted the deaths of President Clinton, Pope John Paul II and the prime minister of Pakistan. He had hatched up a plan to destroy up to a dozen jumbo jets as they flew over American cities.

    He was locked up in a cell in a Colorado prison on the morning of September 11, 2001. He was the mastermind designer of what was about to happen that day.

    His only contact with the outside world in his 7 by 12 foot cell was a small black-and-white TV. That morning he heard other inmates screaming "Some plane just hit the World Trade Center." He turned on his TV to watch what had happened. He saw the New York Fire Department trucks racing to the scene. He saw the terrified evacuees. He saw the bodies dropping from the Towers. His dream had come true.

    A short distance away, Jehovah's Witnesses working at their world headquarters were watching the carnage. What did the WTS leaders order to be done as the Trade Towers were burning and collapsing? They locked the doors to all entrances to their facilities, denying water, food and shelter to surviving victims. It wasn't until hours later when the whole world found out about this selfish cowardice via the Internet did they open their doors and offer token amounts of relief. Later they offered more "relief" by handing out WTS literature. (It's ALWAYS about their stupid literature, even in major disasters.)

    Yousef, a deeply religious man, dropped to the floor, bent over, and gave thanks: "Praise Allah the merciful and the just, the lord of the worlds. We thank you for delivering this message to the apostates." He did this as thousands were dying.

    There have been a number of threads showing the vivid imagery the WTS uses in drawings depicting almost the exact same thing. Drawings with buildings exploding and bodies lying every where. In most of these graphics in the foreground are groups smiling, HAPPY people. And what is their prayer for the destruction of not just 3,000 people who did nothing to hurt them, but 6 BILLION people who did nothing to hurt them?

    There's only one difference between men like Yousef, and Jehovah's Witnesses. Yousef wanted to be the greatest would-be murderer since Adolph Hitler. Jehovah's Witnesses want their God to be the greatest murderer who ever existed in the entire history of man. They worship a murderer God who when one sums up all the murders committed by all the mass murderers since man began, they will look like a drop in the bucket by comparison. And when that day they are so eagerly looking forward to comes, they will pray the same prayer:

    "Praise Jehovah the merciful and the just, the lord of the worlds. We thank you for delivering this message to the apostates." They look forward to giving this prayer not as thousands will be dying but as BILLIONS will be dying.

    This belief is called "The Good News of Jehovah's Kingdom." If that is "good" news, one would shudder to think what "bad" news would be for mankind at the hand of their "God".


  • wednesday
    This belief is called "The Good News of Jehovah's Kingdom." If that is "good" news, one would shudder to think what "bad" news would be for mankind at the hand of their "God".

    it is so scary to see this in print and realize how true it is. how many of us had homes picked out when these "bad" poeple were destroyed?

    i miss Tom Tally, he was intense, but very timely by exposing all the artwork the wts has done depecting deaths of people and the joy of jws as they walk away from the horrible mess.

  • Leolaia

    There is a similarity there, but I think a simple comparison misses an important difference. The "paradise earth" hope is contingent on God destroying 6 billion people, but most Witnesses I knew tried to look past this, rationalize it, and so forth. I sure did. Privately, I disputed the notion that JWs were the only group that would be saved and believed that God would instead judge hearts, not affiliation with an organization (tho that is a cardinal JW teaching). I could not understand how God would kill all the mentally disabled who were created with limited mental powers but yet could not understand the JW message, as well as the millions (if not billions) of people who had no knowledge of the "good news" and where JW preaching was banned. Because of this, I rejected the premise that Armageddon was so close because millions of people still had to hear a witness of what was to come....I don't think I was alone in such doubts, and I know from personal conversations that others doubted that God would exterminate almost everyone on earth. One sister I knew thought that during the Great Tribulation, when the governments turn on religion, there would be a mass conversion to the JWs when ppl see God protecting his people. My father also was a non-believer and I had to deal with my feelings over the Witness teaching. It is ludicrous to think I (or anyone I knew) would have wanted him to die. We always hoped he would convert so he'd be "safe", but in no way were we hoping for the destruction of the infidels, as Youseff would have. There are, to be sure, some coldhearted Witnesses who dehumanize non-JWs as "worldlings" who deserve what is coming to them (and certainly this is the case of those writing the crap), but I think many others have genuine cognitive dissonance on this issue and don't really desire to see their worldly workmates and relatives to die. The organization knows this and capitalizes on it as a motivation in getting more "publishers" out in the field. That is, it presents its literature distribution work as "life-saving work," and I have no doubt that a good number of the R&F are out there preaching to help save ppl from the destruction of Armageddon. While Youseff earnestly desired all those people to die, I doubt such a desire is in the hearts of most R&F dubs....tho they do (selfishly) desire the paradise earth as a goal... Armageddon seems to be more of then than not something feared, as they continually fear it themselves -- wondering if they'd survive and wracking up a guilt-anxiety cycle of whether they're pleasing God enough to survive. I would guess only very self-righteous assh*les felt secure enough in their own salvation to not only eagerly hope for the "New Earth" but also hope for the destruction of unbelievers....

  • wednesday

    I agree, leolaia, there are human beings in the WTS that have normal human feelings and don't look forward to the death of billions of people. But the party line is all but JWS will be destroyed. Even those who seem "good" of them it is said"well yes they may seem good, but they are not serving jehovah". It still boils down to , Jws believe that all these people are going to die, and i know plenty that are happy about it. The are looking for that mansion they will get after we die. the artwork of the society says the same thing. Billions of people are going to die, and JWS will be the happy survivors.

  • avishai
    There is a similarity there, but I think a simple comparison misses an important difference. The "paradise earth" hope is contingent on God destroying 6 billion people, but most Witnesses I knew tried to look past this, rationalize it, and so forth.

    So do most muslims. God help us if there is ever a militant JW movement that decides to help Armageddon on it's way.

  • Leolaia

    avishai.... HELTER SKELTER!! deh neh neh neh neh neh HELTER SKELTER!! deh neh neh neh neh neh

    wednesday....Yeah, there are definitely both kinds...the callous hardliners who look down on unbelievers as bird food, and those (like Abraham before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah) who hope that as many ppl as possible will be saved before the end comes.....Perhaps this is a function of the amount of contact with the outside world; those having their entire family in the Borg for generations with restricted social contacts with non-JWs would have a much easier time thinking the rest of the world (99.9% of humanity) is doomed to destruction than those of us with unbeliving parents, beloved non-JW relatives or close friends, or those noticing the hypocrisy within the Borg and wondering how God would favor such ppl over otherwise sincerely moral, heroic, wonderful giving ppl who just happen to believe in the Trinity -- or those who even didn't have an opportunity to "hear the good news". I don't have a clue tho how many of the latter there are.....tho it is true that all who distribute their literature are endorsing the official line....

  • ros


    What a great post. I am going to copy it in my e-mail group (with appropriate credit, of course. :-)))



  • frankiespeakin

    I first got into the JW I knew nothing about them being the "only true religion" and everybody else being destroyed it took me about 3 months to figure it out. I was 18 at that time. It was very depressing for me to think of my mom, dad, brother, sisters, and all my relatives being destroyed,, I remember crying alot when thinking about it,,but eventually accepted the idea.

    I think accepting the idea that my immediate family was going to be destroyed,, killed something inside of me,, eventually I forced myself to be in harmony with the WT teachings mentally, because of the constant indoctrination to put your love of Jehovah first,,and not question God right to kill anybody he wants to.

    I don't know if I could ever have kill somebody while under the WT mind control,, perhaps I could have, if I was approached in the right way and truley felt it was Jehovah's will. I'm sure that perhaps 5% of the JW's would kill someone if they were worked on by the GB or it agents, and be made to beleive this was Jehovah's will and if they failed they would not be keeping their integrity. And so in that vain I would say there are some in the org that if worked on a little more than the average JW would be just as bad as any terrorist. Hey it's all mind control and it all depend on degrees of indoctrination.

  • onacruse

    Farks, yeah.

    "Indiscriminate death caused by the hand of a man" is murder. "Indiscriminate death at the hand of a man who got orders from God" gets you a blessing.

    allah akbar.

  • mkr32208

    I've asked my wife about this and she gets very very upset no real reasoning just pissed off... then I ask her why if the wages of sin is death doesn't everyone just step in front of a car as soon as armegedon starts then they get a free pass... don't argue with the dubs they get pretty pissed off!

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