It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2649 Replies latest jw friends

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Arguably this whole thing blew up because LE had zero sympathy for somebody who had expressed suicidal thoughts in response to his videos.

    It was his “I’m Taking a Break” video along his cryptic social media posts which hinted at his breakdown that contributed to Adam (Fade to Ex) attempting suicide. Not putting that all on Lloyd - Adam was already clinically depressed and shunned. But in true Lloyd fashion, he was the one who brought up that WhatsApp exchange with Kim on the livestream and quoted her as telling him if he couldn’t be more circumspect about what he tweets, he needed “to get the fuck off social media”. Of course Lloyd thought that made him look like the wronged party when in fact Kim was dead-on in telling him that considering Adam’s suicide attempt.

    It sounds like he wasn't above using his wife's trauma over her brother's suicide to maintain control over her.

    Her brother didn’t commit suicide. Jabba the Hutt did hint at his death though in his abusive letter when going over how paranoid she was and listing the reasons. Something about electricity and how he understood why she was paranoid. My guess is he was electrocuted.

    The very fact that he sought to use her brother’s death in illustrating how paranoid she was in a letter that brutally gaslighted her is vintage Lloyd. And the reason why she was paranoid? Dijana had the absolute gall to worry about her contracting STDs from him! His genitals were perfectly fine, Lloyd assured her. Never a thought for how she might be feeling - he just had to start picking up hookers and dates in the family car and that bitch wasn’t letting him.

    For those still inclined to think Lloyd was suicidal during that time period - read BOTH those letters - before he went to Thailand and then the very day after she informed him she wanted a divorce. That was a man obsessed with getting what he wanted - instant sexual gratification with sex workers and his insistence upon an open marriage arrangement where he actually thought it was a compromise to come off dating apps but still visit prostitutes.

    Imagine that - after his wife of 15 years tells him she wanted a DIVORCE because he was unfaithful to her with prostitutes, his solution was to promise to come off dating apps (trust him!) and to still see sex workers. It’s like a hopeless drug addict in an effort to save his marriage saying he’ll quit cannabis and drinking, just as long as he gets his regular fix of crystal meth.

  • TonusOH

    My mistake, I was thinking about how he was using her brother's death to give weight to his own threats of suicide. But you are right, he did not seem at all depressed or confused in those letters (which would have been written when he was supposedly struggling with a mental health crisis). He definitely was not concerned with his wife's feelings or her mental health. He wants to hide behind mental health issues and self-harm because it suits him and gives him a way out of having to deal with the mess he created. And frankly, that's disgusting.

  • WingCommander

    Lloyd's worst enemy? Lloyd Evans.

  • Ron.W.

    Well said!👍

  • Pasta_Hour

    Hello everyone. I've been working on a video spurred by Mag7 research into our lawsuit.

    Looked hard into the details Lloyd gave about his past.

    I just think it's interesting how Lloyd claims to have been on the theocratic school in Croatia. But, wasn't he on reproof? He'd never said anything about getting his privileges back.

    The timeline he gives doesn't make sense. From getting busted by the wife, to "days of discussions", to moving congregations, multiple judicial committees, followed by a series of sheparding calls, and moving to Croatia, all supposedly happening within a "few weeks"...Then, Lloyd says he was in Croatia giving talks being encouraged to be an elder again, to waking up all within "4 months".

    I'm just saying it smells like BS. Not entirely 100% impossible, sure, but, certainly implausible.

    And let me just say the reaction that occurred, and factoring in a branch rep being at his meeting- all seems a tad disproportionate to the situation simply being over Lloyd sexting an adult.

    Probably be releasing the video this weekend. It'll be fun. I hired a body language expert.

  • Simon
    I'm just saying it smells like BS. Not entirely 100% impossible, sure, but, certainly implausible.

    Sometimes you come across people that lie even when there doesn't seem to be any reason or benefit to doing so. I think some people actually get a kick out of "fooling" people and presenting something that isn't true and seeing it accepted, even though there is no real gain from doing so.

    Personally, I assume that he's untruthful about most things and out to deceive people for some reason. So I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was mostly lies all from the outset.

    It's like the fable of the Scorpion and the Frog:

    A scorpion wants to cross a river but cannot swim, so it asks a frog to carry it across. The frog hesitates, afraid that the scorpion might sting it, but the scorpion promises not to, pointing out that it would drown if it killed the frog in the middle of the river. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I am sorry, but I couldn't resist the urge. It's my character."

  • Diogenesister

    In the past it's been:

    Mental health crises, has = not getting his own way

  • lloydevansinfo

    Mike and Kim: Thank you for your post. We were intending on including all your videos from the beginning. We want all videos on the Lloyd Evans matter to be on our channel so as to give people who are otherwise unaware of these issues a central location where they can seek out the truth instead of relying on links to different channels.

    We have started a Playlist with your videos on them. We are in the middle of uploading more but have reached our daily limit. If there are any older ones we have missed, let us know and we will upload them. There is also an early Kim Silvio interview with CappyTan that is now deleted because he either deleted his channel or had made it private. We'd like to get our hands on this one in particular since it was soon after the livestream and valuable firsthand information was on that video. If anyone can help us obtain that interview or any other videos we have omitted, your help is appreciated.

    So far, we have 51 videos uploaded and we aren't even done yet.

  • Diogenesister

    It was Fade to ex?😳🥺😢I used to talk online to him. Nice kid.

    NB TonusOH it was me that claimed Dijana's brother died from suicide, that's where you heard it from. I'm really sorry. I apologise to Dijana, too, if she happens to come across it. I remembered Lloyd blaming the org for Dijana's brothers death, I put 2 and 2 together and got 5.

    Either way he was very young when he died (19?) and it's clearly resulted in a lot of trauma within the family, understandably. Lloyd has played on that and I believe their vulnerability around his death is the reason he was able to live in the home of two active jehovahs witnesses whilst behaving so badly (as well as being able to produce apostate content).

  • Pasta_Hour

    Do we have any former elders in this thread willing to give me a 60 second interview regarding Watchtower judicial policies?

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