Why cults hide their old publications.

by refiners fire 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • garybuss

    40 years from 1874 to 1914.

    Three Worlds Page 83
    The seventy years captivity ended in the first year of Cyrus, which was B. C. 536. They therefore commenced seventy years before, or B. C. 606. Hence, it was in B. C. 606, that God?s kingdom ended, the diadem was removed, and all the earth given up to the Gentiles. 2520 years from B. C. 606, will end in A. D. 1914, or forty years from 1874; and this forty years upon which we have now entered is to be such ?a time of trouble as never was since there was a nation.? And during this forty years, the kingdom of God is to be set up, (but not in the flesh, ?the natural first and afterwards the spiritual),? the Jews are to be restored, the Gentile kingdoms broken in pieces ?like a potter?s vessel,? and the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ, and the judgment age introduced.
    ibid, Page 188 189
    And again, the fact that there is what appears to be clear Bible evidence that the dispensation represented by the ?twelve tribes of Israel,? and the dispensation of the gospel, or twelve apostles, were to be equal, and that, according to this chronology, these dispensations are now equal, just when the jubilee cycles run outjust when ?the day of the Lord? is dueis certainly a strange coincidence, which, coming as it does directly from the Bible, is worthy of more than a mere passing thought. And again, all men can see that we are entering strange and unusual times; that there is a foreboding of trouble. And the Bible distinctly teaches that this age is to end with ?distress of nations,? ?men?s hearts failing them with fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth,? a ?universal time of trouble,? the falling of the thrones, & c. The number forty which is a very prominent period as connected first with the flood (Gen. 7:17); second, with the wilderness, Mount Sinai and Moses; third, with Elijah, with Christ, and with the destruction of Jerusalem, from the beginning of Christ?s work, or from A. D. 30, to A. D. 70, is again made to appear just at this point? The seven prophetic times of the Gentiles, or 25-20 years, is a long period, and without doubt began where God?s kingdom, in the line of David, ended, at the beginning of the seventy years captivity, or B. C. 606. And as from where the harvest of the Jewish age began, to A. D. 70, was forty years so this 2520 years, or the ?times of the Gentiles,? reach from B. C. 606 to A. D. 1914, or forty years beyond 1874. And the time of trouble, conquest of the nations, and events connected with the day of wrath, have only ample time, during the balance of this forty years, for their fulfilment.

    These are texts written by Nelson Barbour. There are LOTS of texts used in the total writings relative to 1874. Hope these helped. Gary

  • freein89

    thanks to all who answered, Winston do you have to bring one of those bags to throw up in to get through meetings? I hope you can get the info from the bound volumes. I wish I had saved my library, I had an extensive collection of bound volumes dating back to 1960, but I tossed the whole works in a dumpster the day I DA'd. It was fun, all four of my kids (ages 11-6) helped me. We made many gleeful trips to the dumpster, every thing went. We always had a copy of each publication for each kid and ourselves. We spent a damn fortune on that stuff, to help us brainwash our poor children and so they would have a library of their own. I have apologized to my kids a million times for inflicting them with all that. I was raised in it and thought I was doing the right thing. Many, Many regrets. My kids are awsome and they forgive me. I guess I have a tendancy to get off the subject.

  • 95stormfront
    Winston do you have to bring one of those bags to throw up in to get through meetings?

    I know I would if I had to sit there and listen to that dribble every other day. I can barely hold it down now when I have to listen to my wife and dub relatives babble back and forth with that WT nonsense. They don't ask for my involvement in their diatribes anymore. I think I've mentioned a few things too many to them that got that old hamster running in it's cage and they just couldn't handle it, although i suspect they still have no idea how far I've gone.

    I wish I had saved my library, I had an extensive collection of bound volumes dating back to 1960, but I tossed the whole works in a dumpster the day I DA'd.

    I'm gonna have to go and take a look at some of those old bound volumes my wife and her relatives are still holding on too. My wife actually has a lot of the old original magazines dating back from before she started collecting the volumes.

    I think one day that I'll show them the changes in that masthead myself one day and see what they say about it.

  • zugzfree

    i have read that the 1/1/89 W was altered to read from the original mag reading of saying that the "end would come before the end of the 20th century" to the bound volume's sanitized version saying something instead like "the end of the last days." not sure of the exact wording, though i would like to get my hands on a hard copy if possible."

    The actual quotation from the WT January 1, 1989 p. 12 in the bound volume and the WT CD-ROM is as follows: "The apostle Paul was spearheading the Christian missionary activity. He was also laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our day."

    The way this is stated in the original copy of the magazine as well as on the Watchtower cassette is as follows: "The apostle Paul was spearheading the Christian missionary activity. He was also laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century."

    It is interesting to note another quotation that hasn't been changed. In the book- The Nations Shall Know that I Am Jehovah- How? on page 216 this 'prophecy' is made: "Shortly, within our twentieth century, the 'battle in the day of Jehovah' will begin against the modern antitype of Jerusalem, Christendom."

    It is still stated that way on the 2001 WT library on CD-ROM.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    QUOTE:He was also laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our day."

    QUOTE:He was also laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century."

    Ummm brothers. let me be rightly clarified... they actually altered this in the CD rom?

    QUOTE:"Shortly, within our twentieth century,

    Well they could scarcely change this to "shortly, within our 21st century".... now could they?

  • Maggie

    I don't understand why the WT would change something..that would be found out...what could be the purpose when this would discredit them in the eyes of their fellow believers?

    I also don't understand why the WT is so into contributions and getting them..when all is for the preaching of the GN and not going into pockets of the leaders....Or am I wrong in that assumption?

  • garybuss

    Welcome Maggie, You are wrong. See proof of greed and raw wealth on this web site . . .


    Let me know what you think. gary

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D


    Winston do you have to bring one of those bags to throw up in to get through meetings?

    Ya, it’s called a meeting bag.

    Actually for now it’s too damn funny to get me really mad. I just sit back and in my mind I’m laughing my ass off at the shat that is said at the meetings. Plus I have a lot of friends there. But I am really keeping my sanity for the sake of my dear wife. If I lose it, I’m going to lose her I’m afraid, so I gotta play my hand right.

    I’ll have to remind myself to ask around Thu for that magazine. I’m trying to build a case for my new found truth by using information that can only be found at our KH. That way when the bag hits the fan, at least I’ll have a sound case to present to the brothers if it ever comes down to it.


  • onacruse

    zugsfree, welcome to the forum

    That's a really good example of the "we'll just change this a little, and maybe they won't notice" ploy. I remember reading that '89 WT (I was still "in" then), and it set me back in my chair. "Whoa! We only have 11 more years until the preaching work is finished, 'and then the end will come.' " LOL

    Winston, you have my sympathies...I tried that with my (now ex-) JW wife...a very hard row to hoe. I sincerely wish you the best.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    The Foyer at Patterson. Lobby at Brooklyn! Hey Gary, Im in shock, its the kind of thing I expected in the 'moonies". Not the dubs!

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