New World will come—with or without JWs!

by abiather 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • abiather

    We know how animalistic religion can become if we have a look at those religions which had political powers! They simply executed anyone with a differing opinion. You don’t need any religion. You only need a little bit of science!

    Have a look at the process in Biology called METAMORPHOSIS through which a caterpillar becomes a butterfly!

    The caterpillar is like a worm (like present greed-ridden world)

    The butterfly is very beautiful (like the new world of contentment)

    What brings the transformation? This is what happens: At some stage of its development, the caterpillar becomes very greedy, it starts to consume more than its need (like the present world’s motto—maximum production and maximum consumption even by borrowing which even calls for frequent Federal Shutdown). When consumption exceeds its metabolic needs, its body starts to die and starts to liquefy. But within the body of the caterpillar there are a few cells—which the Scientists refer to as imaginal cells. These imaginal cells are literally dreaming a new reality. (They are like those who have developed a distaste towards pleasures of this world—whether they are materially rich or not—Mathew 5:3)

    These cells vibrate in a different frequency of consciousness. When caterpillar’s body recognizes these imaginal cells, the immune cells of the caterpillar attack them. But the imaginal cells remain immune to the onslaught as they vibrate at a different frequency. Soon the immune cells give up, and the imaginal cells start to gather in small clusters. Then something else happens—the clusters of cells start to connect with each other. When connectivity of these imaginal cells reaches a critical level, SOMETHING MAGICAL HAPPEN! A gene, the genetic code that was lying dormant in the caterpillar, wakes up, and in that genetic code is the information for wings, information for a new heart, information for the antennas, information for legs and information for a new metabolic rate (metabolism of flying creatures has to be different from that of a worm).

    The imaginal cells start using the dying matter of the caterpillar as a nutritive soup; it becomes the culture medium the imaginal cells use to grow and to connect; and soon the butterfly emerges with the flight to FREEDOM! So will be with this old world, from which a New World will emerge.

    What is the proof? When you plant a tiny mustard seed, what happens is history—some invisible force comes to make it sprout, grow and bear seeds. The same force has been active, and will be active to make the new world sprout, grow and bear fruits!

    This old world will become New World—with or without the preaching of JWs. Because it’s pure science: generation—growth—decay—then regeneration. It has been happening and will be happening. (Ecclesiastes 1:9, 10) JWs are simply wasting their time preaching to hate the caterpillar and to work for the butterfly!

  • yisaiah

    wow this to me is truly new light!!! thank you

  • cofty

    So the BK cult recruitment team have returned. Rose Mary and all her sockpuppets were banned already.

    Terrible post by the way. A little bit of science muddled up with a ton of woo.

    Lots of creatures metamorph. The mayfly spends 2 years as an ugly greedy little water bug. When it emerges as a beautiful adult it lasts only a few hours because it cannot eat. It has no digestive system. Its only thought is to get laid and die.

    Real science is so much more amazing than fantasy.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    Reading your description of the metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly, I couldn't help but wonder if these aren't actually two different creatures sharing a common genome - a sort of symbiosis at the genomic level - where the caterpillar's genome is active at first and then, after it dies, the genome of the butterfly gets activated. Could the genomes of two creatures have gotten fused somehow in the distant past? Or could it be that the caterpillar was originally an entirely separate evolutionary descendent of the butterfly and then eventually something happened in the caterpillar genome causing them to regress back to a butterfly at death as a sort of atavism?

  • snare&racket

    When introducing something illogical and unproven, religious people have to use analogies that are logical and proven and then attempt to intertwine the known with the unknown. Its the oldest trick in the box and it is shameful.

    here is another good example:

    Water can be a solid, liquid or a gas... Just as the trinity god can be the father, the son and the holy spirit....

    Oooooh...interesting.... But water has four states, not three, they forgot plasma. But such means of communication has sufficiently convinced people for so long, it is repeatedly used. We all did talks as JW's and we all spent hours trying to make illustrations fit. The reason you need the illustration is that the story you are trying to convey is itself, alone, illogical and unconvincing.

  • abiather


    What I posted is meant for JWs (not for ex-JWs).

    This is the information that helped a very zealous JW to come out. FORTUNATELY, he had a science back-ground. What he originally got was a very detailed version to suit his stature. What I posted is a translated summary.

    You would note that in the beginning of the article, I said:

    “Religions are animalistic and You don’t need any religion. You only need a little bit of science!”

    Article ended making a call to turn to proven science, which is also a history before us:

    “Because it’s pure science: generation—growth—decay—then regeneration.”

    The only mistake I did was that to give a supplementary proof, I quoted the Bible: “It has been happening and will be happening. (Ecclesiastes 1:9, 10)” which may have given the impression that I belong to some Christian Church who are in need of alalogy—I am sorry for that! I have no religion.

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    a blitherer - it seems you want the JWs to jump out of the frying pan into the fire - from one absurd fantasy to another. As with your other posts, your argument lacks basic reasoning as you jump from false premise to false analogy to false conclusion. Well done

  • abiather

    Frazzled UBM

    I am not trying to prove anything. I am just trying to spur your thoughts/imagination. When I heard this for the first time, I had a different type of spurring—I thought wow, If a caterpillar can become a butterfly, why can’t I, the fleshly, become a spiritual person? That gave me the confidence in contrast to the "what a miserable I am" attitude of Paul. (Romans 7:24)

    Please read this information about lost Atlantis, and see whether you will have some spurring in your mind:

  • snare&racket

    Abiather.... I have 7 years of science background, have written science papers, done labratory science and practiced medicine on real people thanks to science. So for the last 7 years, all day most dsys of the year it has been one of the following.....

    Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology

    In my spare time I used to read a lot of physics (though I have a distinction at A level too), but my real love outside of medicine is biology, specifically evolution, though I have less and less time for it now.

    So let's start over..... Now what is your background, profession, interests, qualifications? I mean apart from Bullshitter ....with distinction.

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