Born and raised a JW. I had a large very close family and my dad was an elder. We were a model JW family. My dad's alcoholism kicked in big time during my teenage years and he ended up getting df'ed two times. My mom decided to divorce him the second time he was df'ed. My dad was kicked out of his religion and out of his house and away from his five boys. Rule has it that if a family member is df'ed and not living with the family, then there cannot be any association. After a year of complying, I decided that this was rediculous. I decided to begin visiting my dad from time to time. My mom found out and turned me in to the elders. They said that if I continue to visit him that when I turn 18 I could possibly be df'ed too. I said, I'm outta here and never looked back. Two years later I ran into an old female JW friend. Surprisingly she wanted to begin hanging out with me and it wasn't long before we began dating secretly. She wanted to know why I was out. So I told her everything that I knew that was wrong about the "organization". She was actually very receptive for awhile about everything i had to say. However, one day it was just too much for her and after she broke up with me she ran to the elders and cleansed her conscience. I was soon hunted down by the elders and told that I had to keep my mouth shut or be df'ed. The next day, I wrote my letter of DA and hand delivered it to the elders. During the past 10 years or so, I've rarely thought about the JW religion. My mom just sent me the new tract, The End of False Religion is Near and that peaked my curiousity about the JW organization again. I started doing internet research on the tract and found this site. So here I am.