i was raied a jw. my father was,still is an elder, my mother a pioneer.i rebelled and left at age 17.been disfellowshipped for 11 years. disfellowshipped for smoking, but i really only did that socially, and havent been a smoker for a good 7 years now. I guess i was looking for a way out, and that seemed the easiest. i was tired of the corupt congregation of drones.being a teen is VERY hard if your a jw, and hard if your just a teen in general. my parents have had little to do with me since my split , but nothing to do with me, since the birth of my son. who is now 4 years old.I didnt even bother telling them this last time i was pregnant, as my husband says"screw em".ive been doing research on my own, in the niv bible and have discovered biblical proof of flaws in the jw teachings.jw is a cult in my eyes, and in many other eyes.~mandy