My name is Darxka Skies... meaning one whose fate is dark. But of course no one person could know, or determine his or her own fate. Ka is endless, the wheels of ones destiny turns ever monotonously on rusted axels. If there is one thing i am here to do.. it is to help someone, because if ive helped one person understand themselves and the life they live in... then i have completed what i have set out to do. Ive been through many... hard times.. in my life. Ive seen things that many have not... and i know things that send tremors of pain through my spine. Give me one second, and i will give you a hundred years in return. So instead of me explaining myself here in this little box... so anyone can read.. i would like to see which of you would actually, really, like to know me as a person and who i am... anyone can read a profile...but it takes a true person to dive into the depths of ones heart and soul... so, come, dive... and let me show you another world... hand in hand we shall see what unexplained evil lies in the darkness...