I stumbled across this site last August and created an account but a series of events led me to run away (I can post the story if you like) and I have been moving around a bit until I finally got settled some. Along the way due to my mother's sheltering I had some bad experience because I didn't know as much about the real world as I should have. I ingested as I have before a psychoactive one night and a surge of memories came rushing back to me of my childhood and a massive handfull of them were tied to the time I was made to endure going to the Kingdom Hall and socializing with many members outside of. About me personally, I attended because my mother is a JW and she started bringing me since I was a baby. She herself as a teenager was introduced to the group when someone showed up at the door (it probably being the only thing she had and a long story) and has been going with their beliefs since. I was bribed sometimes and urged over and over to keep going even though I didn't want to until I turned 12 (6th grade) until she finally got so fed up with the hassle it took to get ready to go dressing and being on time that she stopped all together even going herself and forcing me to. She must have had some hope and my brother didn't really go but she wanted me to and we are close on some levels despite having different ideals on most things in life. From the age of 2 years I knew something was wrong and rebelled from that point on but there was still damage done to me and my social life. On top of everyone knowing these things about me I am already also different as it is and have other things that set me apart from being accepted so such youths where I grew up because of the closed-mind attitudes that only erode once a person matures into adulthood. (children pick up on their parent's prejudices) I thought I'd throw myself out there and introduce myself and see if I can resolve some things or possibly even help others do the same.