hi all, i am ex jw, for about ten years and i thank my heavenly father every day for getting me out of that cult. They consider me now as one of the most evil men in Cornwall. Why? You might ask, its because i organised and participated in the first ever BBC programme to expose the jw`s in the UK. It was called Witnesses for the Prosecution. If you saw it, I`m so glad, and that was all down to me. Why, you might ask, when at one time, i was doing 120 hours a month and had the nick name, zealous David, my testimony is a powerful one and very moving. I hope one day to put it in a book form of all the research i`ve done in the last ten years. I hope you`ll invite me into your group and be patient with my replies. May Almighty Yahweh bless you richly, through his son Yahshua.