Topics Started by Bryan
Video Editing
by Bryan ini'm about to buy a new computer.
i edit on pinnacle.
any other editors on the board.
Funny... My auto-Google search brought me this Times Mag Archive.... 1969 "Witnessing the End"
by Bryan in,9171,901074,00.html.
i can't seem to insert the page.. .
sects: witnessing the endfriday, jul.
Watchtower Acquires Additional Property Near Wallkill, N.Y.
by Bryan innot sure if this has been posted, but.....
Headed to Seattle
by Bryan ini'll be in the seattle are the week around labor day.
anyone want to meet up?.
bryan mcglothin
Hello... Is this thing on?
by Bryan ini hope everyone is doing great!.
just wanted to stop in and say hi.
i'm still very busy in the child kidnap arena, getting my real estate license, teaching acting on camera at the local community college and i'm rehearsing "private eyes" at the same college.
Wow, you're still here... Hi...
by Bryan ini thought the sit eclosed by now.... .
i just wanted to stop by and wish everyone a merry christmas.
i've been very busy in the stream of child abuse.
Anyone in Washington DC?
by Bryan ini'll be there in 2 days (aug. 14th-17th).
i'm speaking and signing my book at the dc festival 2008 family preservation festival .
in upper senate park and the hyatt regency.
I'm speaking in Philly then Hong Kong
by Bryan ini'll be speaking at the international cultic sudies association conference , june 26-29th and the university.
it's actually just a big intro, then i'll be reading from my book have you seen my mother.
A little Google news of Watchtower sale
by Bryan injust a little tidbit i found for anyone keeping track of property sales.
the property was sold in the scranton, pa area.