Term paper...

by Quentin 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quentin

    My daughter attends Texas Wesleyan in Ft. Worth. She is working toward a degree in criminal justice and crime scene investigation. As part of her degree plan she has to take so many hours of sociology and physiology. This semester she is taking a class in deviant behavior. The professor is allowing her to do two term papers on JW’s. One on the high control of the group and one on the way pedophilia is dealt with by the WTBTS. I’m going to help with the research. I haven’t done research in over fifteen years. He wants eight references and will allow one antidotal reference per paper. Both papers must be no less than ten pages. This promises to be interesting.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    For the paper on high control groups she might want to take a look at Freeminds and see what books are there that she might be able to get at the library or through an inter-library loan.

    I'm thinking Lifton's research on thought control

    Hassan's books Combatting cult mind control

    Langone Recovery from cults.

    Botting The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses

    The information on pedophia within the org might be harder to get hold of. Most of the material so far has been in the media. She should take a look at the silentlambs website. He has a lot of things there. He might have the transcript of some of the documentaries that were done.

    Also look in the Best of series here. There is a section on the WT and sexual abuse. You might find some transcripts there as well as personal stories (make sure she emails the poster before she uses anyone's story)

    I have a copy of the new book The Four Presidents of the Watch Tower Society. It has a short section on the issue (a little over a page) but it could be an excellent reference. The book also has info on the controls.

    That should get her started

  • Soledad

    Make sure that you first search through the periodicals at the school library or local library for articles relating to this subject. The reason for this is that these publications can lead you to other sources, such as books, films and magazines that deal with the subject matter. Start here:

    1. American Sociological Review
    2. British Journal of Sociology
    3. Sociological Forum
    4. Annual Review of Psychology
    5. Encyclopedia of Human Behavior
    6. American Journal of Psychiatry
    7. Child abuse & neglect
    8. Journal of Social Psychology
  • Cady

    Well one thing to consider is the level of the course she's taking and what are considered acceptable resources. There are a lot of books out there written by individuals who are not considered authorities in their field and that can lend to serious credibility issues, esp. in a term paper. My recommendation would be for her to log onto her school's library website and use a reference source by subject link. For instance, they have databases of articles on the humanities (which religion fits into). I'd search for "new religious movements" first, as that's the more pc term for cults and so you'll find more current resources than by searching for "cult".


  • enderby

    this is the best site for academic research: http://www.watchtowerinformationservice.org/index.php/tag/Scientific+Research on dub life.

  • Quentin

    Great suggestions all, thanks for the input. She's a little nervous this is her frist BIG time college paper, but I think she'll do well.

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