Opposing family members == the devil?

by ackack 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ackack

    I always found it uncomfortable that require brochure had me teaching that they needed to carry on despite opposition right from the get go. To quote:

    Not everyone will be happy to see you studying the Bible, but do not let that stop you. Your eternal future depends on your getting to know God and doing his will despite any opposition.—Matthew 5:10-12; John 17:3.

    I notice the November 15th WT on page 7 carries this out a little bit further. It says, quoting:

    As you undertake a study of the Bible, you need to realize that Satan may use opposition or persecution to get you to stop learning the truth from God's Word. Some of your loved ones may become angry with you because you study the Bible. This may happen because they do not know the wonderful truths found in it. Others may make fun of you. But would succumbing to such pressures really please God? The Devil wants to discourage you so that you will stop learning about the true God. Why should you let Satan win? (Matthew 10:34-39) You owe him nothing. You owe Jehovah your very life. So, then, be determined to resist the Devil and 'make Jehovah's heart rejoice' -- Proverbs 27:11.

    Where do I start with whats wrong with this? Basically,

    • loved ones + angry = satan
    • learning about God = becoming a JW
    • let Satan win? = black and white thinking.
    • You own Satan nothing, Satan = loved ones, you owe loved ones nothing
    • You own Jehovah everything, Jehovah == becoming a JW, you own JW's everything.

    I find this really upsetting. There is more in this issue I'm sure we all will find disturbing, but I wanted to just draw this bit out, get everyone's comment on this. How did you feel about this as a JW? How do you feel about this now? I feel ashamed that I taught this stuff.. :(


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    How did you feel about this as a JW?

    Well as a JW I thought it made good sense to warn people that they will get a rough time from others.

    How do you feel about this now?

    How could I have been so stupid.

    I feel ashamed that I taught this stuff.
    Yup me too
  • funkyderek

    It's a very clever cult indoctrination technique. Of course your family are going to be upset that you're considering joining a cult, so the cult needs to immunise you against this. It begins by predicting the opposition, and equating it with Satanic persecution. When the opposition or ridicule inevitably happens, it serves only to reinforce your belief that the cult's teachings are true.

  • luna2

    It's so clear now, but it totally sucked me in when I was studying. Got that whole paranoia thing going right off the bat so that nobody could make a criticism that I would take seriously.

    It is embarrassing.

  • garybuss

    This has been going on since I first sat on uncomfortable folding chairs in a drafty old store front Kingdom Hall in 1951. If I tell the truth about the Witness people, I'm an opposer. If I talk about the humorous experiences and inconsistencies, I'm a ridiculer.

  • Honesty
    If I tell the truth about the Witness people, I'm an opposer. If I talk about the humorous experiences and inconsistencies, I'm a ridiculer. Garybuss

    At least that's a few steps above bowing down in adoration to the false god of the Watchtower, what say.

  • jgnat

    Someone on the board once asked me when the indoctrination starts in the literature. When is it too late? The booklet used on me was "What does God Require of Us? This is what is on page five of the online version:

    Some of your loved ones may become very angry because you are studying the Bible. Others may make fun of you. But to whom do you owe your life? Satan wants to frighten you so that you will stop learning about Jehovah. Do not let Satan win!

    So I'd say by the third or fourth visit the JW is already priming the study to be wary of those who would try and stop them from studying.

  • garybuss

    At least that's a few steps above bowing down in adoration to the false god of the Watchtower, what say.
    There are degrees of adoration, degrees do be analyzed and scrutinized. I found adoration to mostly be measured by appearances, association, and the field service report card.
    I'm glad the Witness people choose to be mean to me and my family . . . it forced me to get educated, be rational, and be strong.
    There was a time when some walkaway adult children of Witnesses like me would find the back door to a Kingdom Hall open and drift back in, but those doors are locked and barred today. The organizational paranoia runs high, inquisitions are normal now, and the private religious Jehovah's Witness is gone. Gone to history and legend. Love of God is replaced by loyalty and obedience to the organization, and the organization is getting bigger and richer every day. Bigger to the Witness leaders means harder to control, so more pressure applied seems to be needed.
    To a willing Witness, more pressure means we are closer to the end of the world and to the promised rewards. And so the cycle repeats.

  • Soledad

    There is no doubt in my mind that the WT makes a person view their non-believing family members as non-human, ridiculers, fools, evil devil worshippers, inmoral, looking to destroy our "fatih."

    My mother wished for my father's death. She said that if I loved Jehovah then I should too. Sick.

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