
by Quentin 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quentin

    I am rapidly becoming a stone cold pessimist. Seems like everytime I, or my family, look up we're getting one right between the horns. Got mad at my daughter this morning and told her we could all just go out into the woods and hang ourselves. I don't like feeling this way.

    What do you do when lifes got you by the throat dragging you around? Got to be more than some cold antiseptic answer.

  • Kaput

    I don't like neck-tie parties, so keep away from that bronc's hind legs. And make sure you've got plenty of aspirin in the ol' medicine cabinet when he does get ya.

    Guess we're kindred spirits...check out my handle, Quentin.

  • Quentin

    Got plenty BC powder, take it a lot. When I do hang it will be because I got lynched.. I'd like to think my outburst this morning was just that an outburst, driven by frustration and being pissed.

    What I'm dealing with is the existance of God. Whether he exists or not, why would I think he is exclusive to me? Let me tell you about my Jesus, man I hate that. What with everything else going on, thrity-thousand dead in the earthquake, I'm nothing but a smudge on the sidewalk. Maybe I'm just getting old and tired.

  • Kaput

    There are lots of people over the millennia who have asked the same questions you've asked. Far as I can tell, they've never been answered. Don't bother tryin' to find me a religion...I'm from Missouri.

  • jstalin


    Check out the book "Man's Search for Meaning" by Victor Frankl. The guy was a concentration camp inmate and he made observations about people in completely hopeless situations. His basic conclusion is that life is about what you decide it is about. You don't need a god to be important. What can you do in life to make your life meaningful in your way? It's an inspirational book by someone who's been at the bottom of life and figured his way out.

  • Quentin
    There are lots of people over the millennia who have asked the same questions you've asked. Far as I can tell, they've never been answered...Kaput

    No, they haven't and never will be. As to religion, I have no use for it. Thanks for the suggestion Jstalin.

  • JamesThomas

    I suggest Quentin, that you just see the simple truth that thoughts and beliefs about God don't suffice and so - don't waste time with it. Instead just be as present and appreciative (without mental commentary) with what life is presenting at this moment.....and see what happens.


  • Quentin

    Interesting James....thanks for the thought...

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