Ozzie's Weekend Poll #151 - from the CannyFest!!

by ozziepost 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    Well, during the CannyFest we had a spell when sat around a room 'book study style' (we're so used to that, eh?) and we actually came up with this weekend's Weekend Poll. So here we go, brought to you from the CannyFest (Canberra, Australia):

    How did you view someone who took the emblems?

    1. Nuts

    2. Delusional

    3. Emotional problems

    4. Big fish in a little pond

    5. Game

    6. Thirsty

    7. Drunk before Memorial

    8. ex-Catholic

    9. a visitor

    10. Depends if it was a sister or a brother.

    11. Depends how old they are.

    12. Other (please detail)

    Waddayareckon? Let us know and don't forget......


    Cheers, Ozzie from the CannyFest (permanently upside-down class)

    Freedom means not having to wear a tie.

  • Lehaa

    Thought that went through my mind was, poor things fancy thinking that.\

    So to me it was 1. thought they were nuts, totally lost there marbles.

  • blondie

    I'm an old timer. My grandparents were Bible Students and I knew quite a few of the JWs that were anointed. They were just people. Don't have to be "anointed" to be off-balance as a JW.

    I did wonder about people who had been JWs for some time and suddenly started partaking. I knew a few like that and they seemed sincere.

    The rank and file tend to think that the "anointed" have to meet higher standards than the great crowd. But actually the standards are the same. I have never had anyone "anointed" say that God revealed anything to them directly as an individual. Maybe if one had I might have had my doubts about them.


  • Soledad

    I knew a non-annointed sister who took the emblems one year. She ended up at a mental hospital for several days. I don't recall her ever being unstable before that incident. I think it was the elders who persuaded her to "check in."

    Other than that, I just assumed that anyone else who partook were Catholics.

  • Jordan

    We had an annointed sister in our congregation, I assumed she was sincere, until I saw her smoking, honest to god, I saw this woman taking a puff on a cigarette, she even spoke to me, she said "Jordan, this'll be our little secret won't it?". Yeah, of course it was lady, but when you're 10 years old no-one listens to you and you get accused of making things up.

  • alw

    My answer would be 2 - why would you want to go to heaven when you can live on earth in paradise!!!

  • alw

    It would have to be 2. Why would anyone want to go to heaven when you have life ahead in a paradise earth!!!! Seriously - never saw anyone take the emblems - just mediocre congs!!!

    Great day Saturday ozzie - really enjoyed it - very therapeutic!!! Hope you enjoyed the rest of the weekend!!! alw

  • misspeaches

    12. Other (please detail) - to be perfectly honest when I saw people partaking I used to think they were up themselves! You could see people in the congregation straining to watch the person partake and you just knew they were getting a real kick out of the attention to. It was just another rung in the ladder of setting themselves up to better than the run of the mill publishers.

    We'll have to have another round table CannyFest inpsired poll again sometime soon!

  • dedpoet

    Definitely number 2 for me

    I only saw one person ever take the emblems anyway, and he was somewhat strange anyway

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