Author Robert King

by pratt1 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • pratt1

    There is a book advertised on this site title "Jehovah Himself Has Become KIng".

    Has anyone read the book?

    According to the authors bio he is an DF elder.

    Any comments?

  • sf

    There are several threads on this man and his book already.

    Please use google if this forums engine does not work for you. Google has those threads.


  • pratt1

    Thanks, SF, i'll do that.

  • crankytoe

    I wonder if Robert King went to my congregation, we have the same area code,

  • sf


    Is it Holt?


  • Cygnus

    I know quite a lot about Robert, having corresponded with him recently in email and posted and replied to/with him thousands of times on H2O. What he says now is true, about himself anyway. He's an interesting character but nothing I'm getting too excited about anymore for my own reasons. I like his ideas, that is, he puts a lot of Watchtower exegesis to shame. He and Fred Franz would have had some great debates 40-50 years ago and had King been around then and had any power at Bethel at all, a lot of Witnessism and their understanding of the prophets and Revelation could be radically different. Who knows? In 100 years none of it will matter, though.

  • crankytoe

    Hi sf, the congo I go to is Coolidge,

    The Hall's located on 8mile/Coolidge,

    Do you go to Holt congo?

  • sf

    No cranky, I don't go to any kh. But I know of someone who goes to the Holt cong.

    Funny thing, and I'm sure I read it here too one day: Jehovah Has Become ROBERT KING!

    Funny, eh?

    Clever title and pun intended? YES!


  • Blueblades

    Here's my take on E- Watchman alias Robert King. Everything he says is from what he believes is the inspired word of God, namely" The Holy Bible". The question for each and everyone of us is, "Is The Bible Really The Word of God?" If you say that it isn't, and have your own personal reasons for concluding that it is not, then what Robert King teaches won't matter to you.

    If you believe the Bible to be from God, still, what Robert King or anyone else for that matter, teaches concerning interpretations from it is a leap of faith.

    I have concluded, and I will have to live and die with this conclusion, that the Bible is not from God and that it is a man made document of the times and lives of those who supposedly wrote the information in it. Therefore, after thirty - something years, just like Robert's years, in the Watchtower,I no longer believe the things either of them teach and preach from a Book that has been dissected from scholar to scholar over the centuries who disagree with each other over interpretations etc.

    This is a short version of my own conclusion.


  • Kaput

    That's about it in a nutshell.

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