Random Musings Part 3 What is good

by Qcmbr 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Qcmbr

    All my random musings are going straight to video. I bet I have started the naffest threads ever series!

    Here is the core of my dilemma -

    If we stop arsing about (christians I mean) and are really honest about it - in many ways we totally suck. Lets see why I think so:) I'm going to generalise a bit here so please turn of your 'yea but not all people are like that' filter just to hear my fluff.

    1/ NT describes various miracles folowing those that believe. Christians talk big but really don't see much of that sort of behaviour. Walking from wheelchairs isn't what I mean - when was the last downs child totally transformed back to normal? Missing limbs replaced? Dead raised? There is a collective grasping for any story that can be enshrined as folklore - hearsay is good enough. Very catholic (the desire for a recorded miracle to satiate the masses.) If we 'believers' give a blessing / healing and it works - Hallelujah - if it fails ah well faith lacking / not their time to be healed which means that we have our cake and eat it.

    2/ We love our old written down prophets but would happily nail anyone up on a cross who claimed such things today. We hide behind our bible tails of red seas parting , burning bushes, walking on water and scorn anyone who today claimed such preposterous nonsense. Its eay to believe when nothing is provable - its safe.

    3/ We have no desire to join up and be unified - we have a deep rooted desire to 'win' and enshrine our selves and our dogma as top dogs in heaven.

    4/ We believe our reading of the bible to be correct yet few would even claim that they understood the scriptures with teh Holy Spirit - we can't even agree what the Holy Spirit would do / feel like / is. We then use the bible as the authority to believe what we think we read. Bonkers. We then have our favourite prophets and writers depending on whose words most closely approximate to our squint on it - I get alittle smile when I hear people malign Paul - he has caused so many issues for modern day christianity its funny.

    5/ If Jesus came again today as He did 2000 years ago we probably wouldn't recognise or accept Him, we'd expect Him to come to our church, preach from our pulpit and condone our leaders - we'd reject apreacher in the field. The Pharissees and the Sadduces come full circle - we are become what we mock.

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