JWs "Significant Re-Adjustment" What ...

by Francois 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    BibleExaminer has started a thread in the Bible Research section that deals with a "re-adjustment" in Watchtower interpretation. Since this re-adjustment is a completely different explanation of the scripture concerning the "disgusting thing standing in a holy place..." the term re-adjustment is deceitful - like calling a 44 magnum bullet through the guts a flesh wound. This is another JW dodge as it attempts to adjust its teachings to something more serviceable in a changing world.

    This "re-adjustment" is of course only one of the very many instances of doctrinal flip-flops, theological U-turns, and gravity-defying examples of basic JW instability. The GB know no bounds in seeking what's expedient - like its absurd statements about blood in the Bulgarian case.

    As the JWs continue to modify, to change, to "re-adjust", and to outright abandon many of its positions and teachings, it's dropping the characteristics that make JWs what they are. If you take away all the characteristics that make a peacock a peacock (that impressive tail full of eyes, the little crown on its head, its distinctive irridescent coloring, and that pierceing call) then it's no longer a peacock, but just a plain old chicken. And this begs a question.

    To what end is the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses evolving? Are they becoming Baptists (No, the Baptists would never give up hell. Maybe the JWs will take it up..."re-adjust" their teachings and fire up the flames of hell for us apostates). It's obvious the JWs are evolving into a more mainstream religion (most likely in order to avoid clashing with the UN when it takes over world control), but the question here is:

    Into WHAT is the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses evolving?

    What do you all think?


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

  • Stephanus

    We'll know if this is an ongoing change if the next logical step is followed, and they start applying the same methodology to the interpretation to Daniel and place the fulfillment of it in the centuries after Daniel wrote it - same with Revelation and the other prophetic passages in the Gospels. If so, you may see the propensity to try and set dates according to perceived "signs" disappear- if they're all fulfilled, then there are no signs to set dates on. Perhaps the whole Millennium doctrine may fall by the wayside and become more of a "Postmillennial" or "Amillennial" position.

    My money, however, is on this being a strategic backdown - for some reason they want to play dice with the Devil (the UN) and don't want anything which may come out and embarrass them. Of course, if "the superior authorities" become less Satan inspired, dropping doctrines like blood and shunning to appease them won't seem like a compromise -perhaps that's it...

    w75 9/1 519 Insight on the News One young promiscuous woman who received a kidney from her older, conservative, well-behaved sister, at first seemed very upset. Then she began imitating her sister in much of her conduct.

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