Are they still building?

by ozziepost 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    Mrs Ozzie and I were driving past Bethel today and it occurred to me that things looked very quiet inside the gulag.

    I got to wondering about all the frenetic activity of years gone by.

    Are they still expanding barnch offices?

    or has that all stopped now?

    Anyone know? What's the situation in your country? any expansion going on?

  • alw

    Hi Ozzie

    We know of a couple who have gone over to Fiji to help on the branch over there. They were there for 3 months and then asked to go back for 6 months. Things must be a bit livelier over there - at least they'll think they are on holiday!!!!

    Hope you and Mrs Ozzie are okay - hope to see you at the Cannyfest!!! Love to you both - alw

  • skinnyboy

    Hey Ozzie, How big are the Dubs over here? I rarely see them and when i do i always give them a toot of the horn in appreciation of their sterling work! Theres a KH around the corner from my work, sometimes se them on the Ministry if im in work on a Saturday, but they never have knocked on my door since i have lived here. Might be in part to the Missus dad getting his shottie out at them some years back!!! Do they still have quickbuilds? I went to the building of one of them in about 1992, was kinda fun, although my visions of it being an Amish-esque barn raising were quickly quoshed by the moaning of the Bro's about the catering!!

  • stevenyc

    Morning ozzie.

    I live over the road from the Brooklyn mecca, and they are building new places and renovating old places like crazy.


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