Demeter, Persephone, and summer

by wasasister 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasasister

    Why, Persephone, why? You couldn’t be anorexic when Hades abducted you and avoid eating the blasted Pomegranate seeds?

    I sat this afternoon in the full blazing sun in my front yard, ignoring all the advice about exposing my aging skin to the solar rays. I had my favorite book (Seeker, you know the one) and listened to music playing from inside my house (Farkel and COMF, you know which songs). I sipped on iced green tea and watched beads of sweat accumulate and run off of my tanned skin. I inhaled the aroma of summer soup; a recipe of newly cut grass, sprinkler water on hot concrete, and the distant, dank scent of a fertile beach at low tide. Yet the days are growing shorter by seconds; the sun sets behind the Olympic Mountains earlier each evening. I will miss summer like a lover I can’t hold on to. I know he’s going and I’m trying to enjoy him while he is with me, but his departure is inevitable.

    Persephone is destined to return to the underworld all too soon for me. Demeter will punish us by cutting off the growing season and plunging us all into darkness in her grief for her lost daughter. One less seed, or two…that’s all I ask. It’s Saturday and the workweek seems miles away.

  • Tina

    What a beautiful vision your thoughts conjured up! I was almost there with you!
    I'm still communing with Demeter as I walk thru my vegetable and flower patches. Smell basil and mint as I pick it. I revel in Demeters fecundity. The apples yet to be picked,calendula and lavender to be ground with my mortar and pestle. My music is the birds,the crickets that chirp,,,sigh. The goddess leaves all too quickly tho,doesn't she. Enjoy her now! luv,T

  • Seeker

    If I wasn't so used to feet and inches, I'd switch over to Demeter in an instant...

  • Tina

    ok ok seeker dirty rat lol. SO much for my literary aspirations lol. I betteh leave it at dat,demeter is runnin.....(Chgo literary style,wink) fahgedaboutit ..hugs,T

  • Stephanus

    Seeker, we spell that unit of length "Demetre" here.

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