Culmination of personal truth

by coolhandluke 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • coolhandluke

    Think about what you have discovered since your leaving. Some have discovered philosophy. Others have found nature, Buddhism, mediation, a real relationship with their creator, the un-doctored bible, charity, unknown family members, compassion or unconditional love. For so long while “inside” the sure future of a paradise earth drove us. That thought helped us get through the drudgery of work, having to get out of warm beds to proselytize those already content with their lives, the endless repetitive “study” (I use that word loosely). So often at the door my appeal to the householder was the innate human desire for paradise. Some part of me still wants that. What do you want? What will be the culmination of your personal “truth”?

  • jeeprube
    What will be the culmination of your personal “truth”?

    A peaceful death when I'm old and grey; and the pleasant memories of a life lived in freedom from organizational servitude.

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