Does God just make FIREWORKS?

by hamsterbait 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    Just think about it -

    All the amazing things "seen" by characters in the bible are not in line with the natural phenomena of physics.

    I thought of this while sitting through "Ben Hur". All the happenings, darkness, earthquakes, curtain rent in twain (and WHO exactly reported that?)would have to have been precisely orchestrated to terrorize the on lookers.

    Similarly, at the nativity, angels singing in the sky? Sound does not travel in a vacuum, so what sort of music DO angels sing? The world is full of many musical styles, whoever put this show together produced music the shepherds found pleasant. If they had been a buch of bikers would the angels have been doing heavy metal or thrash to keep them happy?

    The burning bush. The conjuring tricks during the ten plagues. God appearing to Moses. (I thought if God was all powerful he would be able to let Moses see him and protect him from being sizzled - he did it with Shadrach Meshach and Abednego.)

    So on and so on.

    My conclusion is that if Armageddy is going to be anything like what the WTS says, it will be a huge display of artificial special effects, deliberately designed by God to terrorize children and parents and others, before they die.

    HB (of the "you hum it, I'll play it" class)


  • kid-A

    I believe jehoobah has recently hired George Lucas and DreamWorks (TM) to create the special FX for armageddon. Last I heard, John Williams was going to be composing the score, the role of Jesus will be played by Matt Damon and Jack Nicholson will be satan.

    Lets just hope he projects the whole thing on IMAX !!!! Whoo-hooo!!

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