To Bow or not to Bow - that is the question !

by KAYTEE 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    At the time that Moses delivered the 10 commandments to the nation of israel, they had succumbed to false calf worship. This not only angered Moses, but displeased Jehovah. Yet later on we find the same nation, being told to bow down before the copper serpent. How can, what looks on the surface as an inconsistency, equate to pure worship? And why was Aaron given the second highest job in the nation when it was under his control at the time (calf worship)


  • stillajwexelder

    Read "Who Wrote The Bible" by Friedman , great read. He is a college professor and it explains all this. Basically the politics of the time and of course there were 4 different writers of Genesis - Deuteronomy and the bible was rewritten later on more than 1 occassion. The book gives the identity of these people also

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