Anyone Ever Try.....

by Legolas 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Legolas

    Magnetic bracelets?

    And if you did, did it work?

  • defd

    I did and it got me into trouble. I was standing in line at the grocery store. I was behind some women who was wearing very tight Jeans. Naturally my hands were down by my side but being so close to the women, my bracelet magnetically pulled and latched on to the womens back pocket ( u know those metal snaps they have on jeans) invision that one!

  • Elsewhere

    Magnetic therapy is BS. Don’t waste your money. Any benefit will be the placebo effect (33% of the population is affected by this). Its, funny, but when Doctors give people placebo pills, the bigger the pill the better the “medicine” works. Same applies to other treatments… the more mysterious or technical it appears the more pronounced the placebo effect.

    I always hear these new-age and “natural healers” accuse Doctors of only wanting your money. Have you ever stopped and looked at how much these “natural” treatments cost?

    You really want to try the magnetic thing? Grab some magnets from the front of your refrigerator and tape them to yourself. Sounds pretty silly doesn’t it… just because the expensive magnets at the store look fancy does not mean they are any different. A magnetic field is a magnetic field… no matter how it is produced.

  • talesin

    If you want one of these bracelets, I can get you one very cheap. I'm not a 'believer' myself, but we sold them at the pawn shop, and I'm sure he will give me one at 'cost'.


  • Legolas

    LOL...Thanks all! I can buy one for around $22.00 I have been looking on the net for some info, and I found some studies that do suggest they can work as long as the magnet is 170m-200m tesla strong! I think I will give it a try and see!

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