define Irony

by stillajwexelder 4 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • stillajwexelder

    The WTBTS is suing somebody (Quotes) for putting in the public domain what is already in the public domain (well perhaps not BOE letters etc) Information and publications etc from an organization which distributes this literature free (well in most of the world) and has fought numerous supreme court battles for the right to free speech.

    I am obviously concerned in case Quotes loses his battle but this case has so much irony

  • ezekiel3

    At least Quotes credits his quotes, unlike the WTS

  • talesin

    What I find ironic is the publicity this case is getting, which can only do the WT more harm.

  • jgnat

    The WTBTS is very proud of their history in Canada, where they were instrumental in establishing basic human rights and free speech.

    A notable quote from that Supreme Court ruling:

    "Freedom in thought and speech and disagreement in ideas and beliefs, on every conceivable subject, are of the essence of our life. The clash of critical discussion on political, social, and religious subjects has too deeply become the stuff of daily experience to suggest that mere ill will as a product of controversy can strike down the latter with illegality.... but our compact of free society accepts and absorbs these differences and they are exercised at large within the framework of freedom and order..."

    Justice Rand, In R. v. Boucher

  • jgnat

    Do they really want to tarnish their reputation with liberal elite in Canada by laying a heavy hand on a single dissenting voice?

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