are the df'ed sought out when they move?

by md2be 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • md2be

    My partner stopped attending/was df'ed last year and this year. His family members (mom, brother, sisters, etc.) that are JW's have ignored him at family functions and haven't spoken to him in almost a year. Anyway, we just moved to a new place, and the local JW's came door knocking this weekend. Our neighbor was shocked that they came around. He's lived there for twenty something years and said they've never touched the neighborhood - it's not exactly the best neighborhood - but the rent is cheap. My partner said that it was probably a coincidence, but it just made me wonder - if someone from his family caught wind of where we moved to, is it possible they asked or a common thing for them to ask another congregation to come check on you? We're down in KY and his family is in Ohio. Just curious.

  • blondie

    If your JW family have your address and/or phone number and they are so inclined, they could contact the congregation in your area. They could have their BOE send a letter too. DF'd or not they are supposed to care. Haha.

    The local BOE might call or drop by to see if you want to go to the meetings. But contact will be brief.

    It all depends on the people involved.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    The first 15 years after I left I never once had anyone contact me despite them knowing exactly where I lived and despite the counsel to annually call on DFed ones.

    Then I moved to Winnipeg and at first they didn't know I was there and the odd JW would pass by and I would have "interesting" talks with them about the pedophiles in the org. Eventually I would tell them I was DFed and then one elder and hiw wife came by - once. Never saw them again after they realized I had no intentions of going back - ever.

    Now I am in Ottawa and so far they don't have a clue where I am. Mind you I just moved here last month. It is a secure building but we all know their tactics for getting in. We'll see how long it takes. Another 15 years would be fine with me.

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