Horse Riding / Show Jumping / Eventing / Pony Club

by confusedjw 6 Replies latest social physical

  • confusedjw

    Anyone out there involved in these equestrian sports? Own a horse?

    My daughter takes lessons regularly and spent 4 weeks at horse camps this summer.

    I'm interested in what others out there have for experience in riding and owning horses

    (my wife had one as a teen was was big into Eventing and Pony Club)

  • misanthropic

    No, but if I had some land I would get a horse. Horses are so beautiful!

  • lonelysheep

    I rode western as a pre-teen/teenager and competed in a few shows. I love it and miss it. Close family friends of ours had a farm in northeastern PA, where I was able to ride and take care of the horses every day.

    I'm with Miss A, if I had land (and enough $), I would definately get a horse...and introduce my kids to equestrian.

  • hillbilly

    I own 3 ... how many do you need?

    I have been around horses for a long time. Forced away because of living in a pricey urban area... got a chance to move back to wider spaces and went back to hobby ranching and training Quarter Horses.

    "The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man"- Winston Churchill


  • misanthropic

    How cute!!

  • hillbilly

    Confused.... if she want's to compete remember a good horse can be leased. If you dont have room for barns, hay storage etc leasing a horse with board may be a good deal. Coaching and a trainer is a cost too. If she's into it she may be able to work at the stable to offset costs. Dressage and jumping sports take a lot of coaching to be competive..and its a cut-throat sport.

    Look around and ask a lot of questions. Good hunt seat and jumpers can cost $10 k or more ..even for a "starter" grade horse.

    My horses come to me as youngsters for $500 to a grand... and we make a lot of sweaty saddle blankets gettin on "right". It takes me a good 60 to 90 days to get a horse 'ridable'...spook proof and able to respond to basic cues and aids.

    A good finished Western horse that can work cattle and rope is worth a lot more... I've seen good roping horses sell for over $10k..and they have thousands of hours of work in them training wise. Western events like roping, penning have a lot better social feel for me...Western events like Pleasure horse showing and high level barrel racing and reining can be "uber-expensive" and very competitive..too the point of not much fun.


  • hillbilly

    Not the best picture...Me and one of my Bay quarter horses.


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