lyman swingle... tape recording... death.... farkel

by Cygnus 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Cygnus

    responding to an old post of mine regarding JW funerals, Farkel wrote:

    "But here is the problem: I have a tape recording of governing body member Lyman Swingle's funeral. It was five-odd minutes of Bible discussion about the hope of the resurrection for second class WT citizens and immortality in heaven for first-class WT citizens, and a full FORTY MINUTES of eulogy and anecdotes about Swingle."

    That would be an interesting tape to listen to, no?

  • bavman
    bavman other Witnesses get that long of an eulogy at their funerals.

  • minimus

    What's "farkel"?

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I wonder if all GB members get the same eulogy when they die?

    Could the difference between Swingle's funeral is simply another way to reinforce that the GB are "special"?

  • Fangorn

    Yep, the usual practice is to lope through the eulogy at a high rate and then go straight to the commercial. I have heard a very few that deviated from the outline and did much better but it is rare.

  • Aude_Sapere

    Maybe because most (if not all) in attendance at Swingle's memorial were already 'sold'??


  • Bonnie_Clyde

    When did Swingle die?

  • VM44

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