Life After the Tower

by jschwehm 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • jschwehm


    Many individuals who lurk on these discussion boards remark at the hate and anger that is expressed here. It makes them uncomfortable. However, there is good reason why we see so much of it here.

    For many ex-JWs, the betrayal that they feel at the hands of the leaders of the JWs is enough to make them extremely angry. The missed opportunities the lost dreams, etc.

    For the JWs who are here, many of them interpret a critical comment about their religious organization as being the equivalent of a critical comment about their god. Therefore, such ones must speak for and defend their god against these attacks, since, of course, their god is not powerful enough to defend himself.

    One thing that I find fascinating is the complaint that JWs will make about how ex-JWs do not "let go" and move on with their lives. However, when an ex-JW demonstrates that they have done this the response from the JWs is often "of course your life is better now Satan is blessing you for leaving God".

    Such comments demonstrate the cult mind set that these JWs are under. For JWs like these there is no honorable reason to leave their god (organization) and their is no good reason for criticizing their god (organization) either.

    However, in spite of these comments from cultic JWs, the truth is that the best revenge toward those who have tried to control you is to live well and be happy.

    Jeff S.

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