full blown hypocrisy amongst "christian youths"

by stopthepain 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • stopthepain

    I find it funny and sad that children who were raised in the cult resort to full blown double lives,believing that if they go to meetings all will be fine at the big a.

    My little sister who is 20,was just heard on the phone the other day by my brother saying some funny stuff.

    Heres the skinny.My sis has apparently "hooked up " with a "worldly boy".Now apparently the kid wont leave her alone.This is what she said to another fine,upstanding christian sister on the phone"I wish I never hooked up with him,I mean ,I had my fun,but now he's annoying me.{pause}OK,i'll see you at the meeting".

    I find it funny because she just told me last week how strongly she feels about jehovah and the borg,but she still wanted to have a relationship with me.I told her " how do you think it makes me feel knowing you believe i will be dead in the fast approaching war of armegeddon "{I thought fornicators and unclean acts and people mixing and becoming unevenly yoked would die to}.Apparently not as long as you go to meetings!!

    I pity her,cognitive dissedence,ain't it a bitch.

    JUst thought i'd share.STP

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    well you see it's like this

    There is the real self

    and then there is the cult self

    and it isn't too often the two selves talk to each other

    Otherwise they would see the contradictions


    and there are soooo very many of them.

    sadly for a lot of the young ones they wind up being caught in between the two worlds.

  • stopthepain

    Damnit------------i'll bring it back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!whinge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • stopthepain

    Answer me out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • kwintestal

    It's really a good thing though. It shows that they are refusing to be controlled, and is the first step to realising that they can live life on their own, outside the org.


  • stopthepain

    true that,kwin,thanks for the reply.I am glad she's not being controlled,maybe I'm just jealous that I left because I wasn't "living up to my name" as a witness and got out.I sacfificed,she's just a phony in my opinion.

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