Origin of Halloween?

by Isis 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Isis

    Hi All,

    Maybe someone here can help me. I remember hearing a "story" or "myth" or whatever you want to call it when I was younger in regards to the origin of Halloween.

    The way the story goes is this:

    A few angels fall from heaven and form human bodies for themselves.
    They take human wives.
    Then they have their children, "the nephilim".
    These nephilim are killed in the flood.
    When the angels leave their human bodies they mourn their dead children.
    The night that they mourn these children is later known as All hallows eve or the night the demons mourn thier dead.

    Has anyone else here ever heard this story? If so, is it written anywhere as reference?

    I am not saying I believe this as the actual facts of halloween, I was just curious if anyone else had ever heard it this way.


  • bboyneko 2
    bboyneko 2

    "Halloween is a contraction of 'All Hallows Even' and is so named because it is the evening before All Saints' Day (November 1) in the Christian church. All Saints' Day is also known as All Hallows and Halloween is also All Hallows Eve. 'Hallow' is derived from an Old English word meaning 'holy person.'
    In pagan times Halloween was the last day of the Celtic calendar and was thought to be the night when witches and warlocks were roaming the land and when evil spirits and souls of the dead were abroad. When Chirstianity came to the British Isles, it became the eve of All Hallows or All Saints' Day, but the old traditions remained. That's why youngsters wear masks when they go out trick-or-treating and it is also why the hollowed-out jack-o'-lantern has a masklike face."

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    Halloween = an opportunity for nut cake witnesses to put Watchtowers and Awakes in trick or treat bags. I told my mom to go ahead and give the kids a roll of toilet paper and an egg too.

  • nytelecom1
    A few angels fall from heaven and form human bodies for themselves.
    They take human wives.
    Then they have their children, "the nephilim".
    These nephilim are killed in the flood.
    When the angels leave their human bodies they mourn their dead children

    yes...i have heard this story..it was neatly told in
    the auto-biographical song

    "here comes the rain"
    by the Eurythmics

  • Silverleaf

    Hello all,

    bboyneko2 wrote:

    In pagan times Halloween was the last day of the Celtic calendar and was thought to be the night when witches and warlocks were roaming the land and when evil spirits and souls of the dead were abroad. When Chirstianity came to the British Isles, it became the eve of All Hallows or All Saints' Day, but the old traditions remained. That's why youngsters wear masks when they go out trick-or-treating and it is also why the hollowed-out jack-o'-lantern has a masklike face."

    May I add that among Pagans Halloween is called Samhain, a word meaning 'summer's end', it marked the end of the harvest season - it is the night when the veil between this world and the next is the thinnest and the time to honor those who have passed on. Modern witches celebrate this night in quiet reflection and honor those they have lost with candles and prayers. It is not a night to celebrate or honor the devil, since Pagans do not believe in the devil. Also warlocks are not male withces. Warlock is a term that means 'oathbreaker,' a male witch is called a witch.


  • Tina

    OMG richard lol
    I never heard that before lol....too funny.hugs,T

  • Isis


    Thanks, I'll have to check out the song.


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