Matt 19:29

by carla 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • carla

    Any comments or know of good commentaries on Matt 19:29? He uses it sometimes when the subject of jw's basically expect you to abandon your family comes up.

    Matt 19:29 And evey one who has left houses or brothers or sister or father or mother or children or lands, for my name's sake, will receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.

    Funny, that seems to be one of the few cases he uses a NT script.Usually he refers to OT. Iv'e already tried pointing out that he is not following Jesus but, a man made org.

    thanks for suggestions,


  • Narkissos

    At least since Gerd Theissen's works on the sociology of early Christians, Gospel passages such as this one are generally understood to have been designed in a specific movement within the very diverse nebula which we call "early Christians," namely itinerant radicals who understood them literally and really left all their belongings to lead a poor, homeless and wandering life. Nothing like the overwhelmingly sedentary, mostly lower middle-class JWs. The similarity between such itinerant radicals and the Greek Cynic philosophers has often been noted (Downing, Mack). While their ideas have found their place into the Gospels, their way of life was no longer encouraged by the Great Church which adopted rather a middle-class morality (cf. the post-Pauline shunning of those "who do not want to work" or "do not provide for their relatives).

  • Faraon
    Matt 19:29 And evey one who has left houses or brothers or sister or father or mother or children or lands, for my name's sake, will receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.

    It will be a case for Ripley's Believe it or Not to meet someone who has one hundred fathers and one hundred mothers.

    Besides that, it shows the appeal of religion to greedy people.


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