
by Low-Key Lysmith 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    I watched a cool show on all the urban mythical creatures like Bigfoot, The Yeti, The Loch Ness Monster, Champ, Mokele mmbe, Mothman, etc. has anyone ever seen/experienced anything like this? What are your thoughts on the existence of such creatures?

  • tetrapod.sapien

    no, i never have. my uncle was on Unsolved mysteries for supposedly filming the oggopogo.

    cryptozoology has had a boon lately with the discovery of h.floresensis fossils in indonesia who may have lived as recently as 14000YA, or even later. of course, it does not logically follow that yeti also exists or existed, but it makes one wonder.


  • Scully

    Just yesterday we watched a bit of Daily Planet on the Discovery Channel. They had an interesting piece about a pilot study doing infra red photography under water. The camera was motion activated, and set up with some bait nearby. During the first test they were surprised to see a huge squid, belonging to a species that had not previously been known to exist, came into camera range. The scientists were excited by this prospect, since they were trying to prove that undersea animals stay away from the white lights that have been commonly used for underwater photography up until now.

    I'd really love to see what other things they will find once they start using infrared photography a lot more. Not that I think they're going to find Nessie or anything... but it will be really cool to find out that we've only just touched the surface of what kinds of creatures live underwater.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    It makes me wonder. If so many people around the world are supposedly witnessing all these things with such similarities over such large periods of time, espescially the similarities between the various "lake monsters", you gotta wonder what ARE they really seeing. If every lake monster around the world supposedly looks like a plesiosaur, is it a plesiosaur? Or are these folks just full of crap? I dunno, I think it's fun to support the theory of these monsters. The people who are illegedly seeing this stuff come from all kinds of different walks of life. I'd love to see something like this. I live in the Pacific Northwest where the greatest amount of Bigfoot sightings have taken place. I am an avid outdoorsman and do a lot of camping. I have never actually SEEN anything but have heard some strange howls and other noises that don't really fit in with the sounds made by the local fauna. One night, really late a friend and I were camping. We heard what sounded kind of like a wolf howling, but much deeper and louder. It went on for quite a while and sounded like it was made by just one animal. It was really weird and made us really uneasy. I kept the 12 guage in the tent loaded with 00 buck for the rest of the mostly sleepless night.

  • Buster

    Hey Breck, I thought I'ld respond to the poster up the street.

    Nah, I never came up on anything like that. But if I were camping, I'ld be more afraid of paranoiac sleeping with the loaded 12g.

    - Cliff (Up in Salmon Creek)

  • tetrapod.sapien

    in the case of my uncle, he "saw" something. and everyone who watched the video, included the editors of unsolved mysteries, who wanted to see something, "saw" something. and yet, all it was was this dark long shape moving through the water. no detail at all. just a long dark shadow. when i think about it now, it could have been a bloody cloud shadow for all he knew.

    so, you have people who feel they saw something extraordinary, but can't quite describe it. their films are always scratchy and blurry, even with modern recorders, although it should be noted that instances of "recordings" of crazy sightings have gone down since the technology got better.

    and then you have the mentally ill people who actually had real intereactions with these things: alien anal probes, nessie rearing her head next to the boat at 2 am, bigfoot chasing them etc etc. these people, of course, never have any recordings. just their first hand accounts of an extraordinary event.

    and the two groups of stories always seem to become melded into one. how convinient for everyone.

    when i go camping, things that go bump in the night excite me. but i am never affraid of yeti stomping out of the brush into the dim light of of the campfire whilst i reach for my bowie knife. no, i am more concerned about a psycopath in an ape suit stepping out of brush into the light of the campfire holding my bowie knife.


  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Now I feel kinda foolish about the post about the shotgun in the tent. The safety was on and the chamber was empty. The sounds we were hearing were really very unsettling and sounded pretty close to where our camp was. Normally I keep the guns locked up, unloaded, with cablelocks through the actions. I just don't want to give the idea that I'm a triggerhappy idiot.

    -Breck(of the fully believes in and practices firearm safety class.)

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