Stephen King Freakouts?

by cappytan 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cappytan

    I have this memory of deciding to get a Stephen King novel (Tommyknockers) from my high school library.

    Went home and started reading it. First few chapters were pretty amazing.

    Felt guilty because I had heard urban JW legends about people who owned Stephen King books having demon problems. And that their problems continued until they burned his books in their BBQ pit.

    I marked my book, went to take a shower. Came out and my mom was freaking out. She said I was "inviting demons into the house." She made me burn the book and reimburse the library for a "lost" book.

    I never read a Stephen King novel again...

    ...until I woke up to TTATT.

    Here's the dumb part: Tommyknockers is just a run of the mill SciFi thriller.

    I remember years later, watching The Shawshank Redemption on TNT with the family, my mom saying at the end it was such a great movie. Little did she know.....

  • StrongHaiku
    Yep. Had similar experiences with Stephen King. I read "The Stand" in high school and had to hide it from my mother. Read it under the covers with a flashlight. On a side note, "The Shawshank Redemption" is my favorite movie of all time. And, for me it was a perfect allegory of what it was like to get out of the "Organization".
  • cleanideas
    That's hilarious, I'm apart of that club too! I read pet cemetery when I was a kid and hid the book in my closet. I remember it being very scary to me and I had to stop reading it for like a year until I was older and could handle it, but it was a great read when I finally finished it. It's so silly we had to hide books! How much better to have had parents that could be there for us while we read a scary book to actually remind us it's not real and everything is safe in real life.
  • Vidiot
    You can take my Dark Tower books when you pry 'em outta my cold, dead hands...
  • TD

    Funny stuff.

    In The Stand, Randall Flagg carries Watchtowers in his pockets, so Stephen King has returned the favor.

  • Bonsai

    I started reading his books when I was a JHS. I secretly borrowed them from my best friend's dad's secret collection he kept hidden in a shoe box in the closet. His dad was an elder at the time! I remember hiding the books under my bed so that my parents wouldn't find out. Sneaking the books back into the box, preserving the precise order was always a fun challenge too. Knowing that King lived just an hour away by car made his books all the more special to me.

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