Rib regeneration...

by Odrade 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Odrade

    Has anyone heard this whacky dub belief: Eve was created from a rib bone because ribs can regenerate themselves...
    What??? Is there any scientific evidence of rib regeneration in humans? Or is this another one of those fundie theories like the "dinosaur didn't really exist" crap?

  • peacefulpete

    The "rib" detail has an interesting explanation. The Genesis story has precedents in a couple cultures but the Summerian has many points of similarity that suggest it played a large role in the formation of the Jewish tale. Hebrew "Eve" means "she who makes live." By a wierd quirk of linguistics the Sumerian word for "make live" is ti, which is also the Sumerian word for "rib." In the Summerian creation tale the name of the goddess created to cure Enki's rib (the hero was struck ill because of eating sacred plant of the gods) was "Nin-Ti,"meaning both "The Lady of the Rib" and "The Lady Who Makes Live." The pun was lost when the story entered the Hebrew tradition, leaving only the bizzare association of Eve with Adam's rib.

  • Odrade

    I love those kinds of explanations. It makes good sense, true or not... though it sounds highly plausible. The Bible Literalists sound so insane now. And to think, I used to be one...

  • JCanon

    I think the rib was permanently lost because originally when Adam asked for a mate God told him he would provide a beautiful mate that would wait on him hand and feet, never argue with him, always tell him he's right, never refuse love and say "I have a headache" and do whatever he wanted. Adam was very, very pleased but then asked, "How much will this cost me?" God said, "An arm and a leg." Adam thought for a moment and said, "What can I get for a rib?"

  • Odrade

    "why did you make her so stupid?" "So SHE would like YOU."

  • JCanon
    "why did you make her so stupid?" "So SHE would like YOU."


    ROFL. That's good.....

    You know right after they got kicked out of the garden they got a phone. You'll never guess what the first phone number in the Bible was:

    Aea Code EDEN: Adam eight one two.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Despite the dubs and their scientific drivel for Eve's creation from Adam's rib, I have experienced rib regeneration:

    When I was 11 months old I had what was diagnosed as staph... pneumonia - infection my right lung cavity, and in the process 'ate' 1-1/2 ribs. Because I was so young and the ribs were still mostly cartiledge, both grew back. However, both are smaller than normal, the one that was "totally" lost is the smallest, as seen in my chest exrays.

    I like Swan's explanation for Eve's creation: Cut and paste of already written code, with minor modifications. Afterall, that's what Jehover did from Chimp to "Man". He just didn't document his code as well as he did from Man to Woman as in Genesis.



  • BrendaCloutier

    Aea Code EDEN: Adam eight one two. Rofl!

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