God favors the west

by msil 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • msil

    So does God favor the people in Europe and the west?

    I have a hard time with that. Questions I had as a JW about the WTBS being the right religion:

    Why did God pick the USA as the place to establish his organizational HQ (the WTBS)?

    Are Americans more inclined to the true religion than anyone else on earth? It certainly seems that way if we look at how many Americans make up the total number of publishers.

    If God does not give preferential treatment to America then surely the end of the system is NOT near. If the preaching must occur all over the earth and all the people of the nations must be gathered in before end comes it surely it seems obvious that Americans should make up a much smaller proportion of the number of publishers? And surely the Chinese and Indians should make up close to half of all the publishers if the Witnesses are right. If this is not true then I have to ask WHY? Are the Chinese genetically predisposed to NOT be the kind people God would choose - if he reads hearts and brings those sheep into his fold do they all have bad hearts? That is a very serious indictment of the Chinese people if the WTBS doctine is true? If so then how did that come about?

    Conversely, are Americans genetically predisposed to BE the type of people that God chooses for his own?

    It is interesting that if one pursues this strand of logic and continues to do what every researcher should do (ASK THE NEXT QUESTION), that this same logic can be applied to the Bible in general (hence all who claim to be Christian).

    The disparate proportions of people by population group who make up Christianity are another reason why I have just simply thrown my hands up in the air when I think about the God and say "how can I be anything but agnostic?"

    The same logic works in reverse if I pick a different or an eastern religious teaching....if God chose the Hindus a his people what is wrong with the rest of mankind (esp the western world).....and so on and so on.

    Now, many will point to stuff in the Bible and try to prove to me that it is God's word. Are they looking to prove that it is God's word? Why not examine it with a different motive - namely to disprove that it is divine? And if we expect a God to be impartial and to favor everyone the final question is:

    Where should we look if we want to find God? For so long I flt like I was searching for the real God.....but when I consider questions such as the ones I have posted in this thread I am left paralysed asking "Where should I look?"

  • Tina

    hi msil,
    Interesting thoughts. I wouldn't say Americans are 'genetically' disposed,considering the country was founded by and populated by immigrants from all over the world. Maybe culturally disposed? I do think our constitution made it easy for any wacky religion to get started here. I do consider the usa n 'evangelical oriented' culture due to that. Just some thoughts,Tina

  • SixofNine

    Skip the paralysis and just live. I'm sure God knows where you live. He'll call if he needs you.

    I know it sounds a bit flippant, but try it out for a while, and you'll see how very profound it is.

  • Maximus

    An especially thoughtful post, msil, and an especially good question. Reminds me of Voltaire's wry query: "Why is it that God always seems to fight on the side of the stronger army?" As an organization we used to say it was the docks around Brooklyn or some silly thing, so that preaching (read: shipping of literature) could most effectively be accomplished; the old literature suggests God made that move.

    You are going to the heart of what theologians inter alia have looked at for centuries, many coming to varying conclusions.

    For me the joy lies in the journey. I would, however, suggest the thread "Nourishment for the Spirit," which names some helpful books. For starters I recommend

    "The Unknown God : Searching for Spiritual Fulfillment," Alister McGrath, Eerdmans, 1999. Oxford professor who writes very well and opens the mind to new ideas.

    I'll leave it to others to express their own thoughts. I beware those with all the answers, who have found a narrow, rigid "truth" that excludes everything else--no one has a monopoly on truth.

    Thanks for your kind words the other day, and again a very warm welcome.


  • bboyneko
    Conversely, are Americans genetically predisposed to BE the type of people that God chooses for his own?

    Well, we are of course superior to any other peoples from anywhere in the world as evidenced by our highly intilligent president and by our undying support of all UN and world accord agreements, like the landmine treaty, the ICBM treaty, the kyoto accord and others! :)

    But yeah, the US was founded not just by any immigrants, we were founded at first mostly by religious nuts that you europeans couldn't stand so you kicked them out over there. So now, all our laws are far too religious oriented. C'mon, we were the only country in the world to ban alcohol!!! We gave rise to Al Capone because of that moronic idea.

    Current laws ban any government going to family health programs that so much as teach and inform about abortion as an option. Current laws also fund religious 'charity' that is prejudice against homosexuals (boy scouts for example) and we ban the burning of the flag..thats nationalism as a religion. We gave rise to many weird crazy cults, including the mormons and the International Church of Christ. Don't forget the Branch Davidians and that crazy cult that thought theyd ride a comet tail and wore reebok shoes.

    So the real reason the JW's arose in the US is it is a hotbed of fanatical 'christian' cults.


  • msil

    6 of 9:

    "Skip the paralysis and just live. I'm sure God knows where you live. He'll call if he needs you."

    That is exactly where I am. I now call myself an Agnostic. But my question to you then is:

    "Just Live" - that is exactly what I think now. Perhaps I think too much but I then ask: "So is it OK to do anything I want (as long as it doesn't harm others)? Is there any moral code I should follow but that?"

  • Norm

    Ello Msil,

    You said:

    So does God favor the people in Europe and the west?

    Of course we got better hygiene, God don’t like germs.

    I have a hard time with that. Questions I had as a JW about the WTBS being the right religion:

    Why did God pick the USA as the place to establish his organizational HQ (the WTBS)?

    Better get used to it. Jesus love America, God too. The whole bible and all the prophecies therein is fulfilled on the Watchtower Society you know. When Jesus was telling the parable about the “faithful and discreet slave” he quite clearly had in mind a bunch of vegetative geriatrics in Brooklyn, New York, what and who else could he possibly had in mind? Oh ye of little faith!

    Are Americans more inclined to the true religion than anyone else on earth? It certainly seems that way if we look at how many Americans make up the total number of publishers.

    What a question? Of course God favors America of course mostly the US and Canada, he isn’t that pleased with the people in South America of course but naturally you weren’t thinking about them when you say America, right?

    If God does not give preferential treatment to America then surely the end of the system is NOT near. If the preaching must occur all over the earth and all the people of the nations must be gathered in before end comes it surely it seems obvious that Americans should make up a much smaller proportion of the number of publishers? And surely the Chinese and Indians should make up close to half of all the publishers if the Witnesses are right. If this is not true then I have to ask WHY? Are the Chinese genetically predisposed to NOT be the kind people God would choose - if he reads hearts and brings those sheep into his fold do they all have bad hearts? That is a very serious indictment of the Chinese people if the WTBS doctine is true? If so then how did that come about?

    God has to do that. Every time you hear a US president or any other big US politician finish a speech, they always end it by ordering God to bless America (the US of course), so God has no choice. The Chinese and Indians are born in the wrong place. If you are born in the Arab countries you will be a Moslem, in India most likely a Hindu, God don’t like that you know. He will enjoy killing them all. The Chinese are of course all commies and deserve to die.

    Conversely, are Americans genetically predisposed to BE the type of people that God chooses for his own?

    Of course, you have to be gullible and trained in superstition from childhood. Most children in Europe and the US are highly exposed to superstition and myth through the Bible and thus ready to accept all kinds of insanities, providing they are crazy enough.

    It is interesting that if one pursues this strand of logic and continues to do what every researcher should do (ASK THE NEXT QUESTION), that this same logic can be applied to the Bible in general (hence all who claim to be Christian).

    The whole concept of faith is based upon NOT asking the next question. Christians aren’t allowed to kill people for asking those questions anymore, quite annoying, eh?

    The disparate proportions of people by population group who make up Christianity are another reason why I have just simply thrown my hands up in the air when I think about the God and say "how can I be anything but agnostic?"

    The same logic works in reverse if I pick a different or an eastern religious teaching....if God chose the Hindus a his people what is wrong with the rest of mankind (esp the western world).....and so on and so on.

    Well, that’s the great secret, we created God[s] ourselves.

    Now, many will point to stuff in the Bible and try to prove to me that it is God's word. Are they looking to prove that it is God's word? Why not examine it with a different motive - namely to disprove that it is divine? And if we expect a God to be impartial and to favor everyone the final question is:

    Where should we look if we want to find God? For so long I flt like I was searching for the real God.....but when I consider questions such as the ones I have posted in this thread I am left paralysed asking "Where should I look?"

    Most Christians don’t even want to “prove” that it is far to embarrassing even for fundies if any God should be behind something as despicable as the Bible, so they try to drown us in flem instead. I think you can find God under whatever flat rock you want, and you can make anything you find there your God.


  • SixofNine

    Ah, thanks for the clarification. You and I have much in common in this regard.

    "So is it OK to do anything I want (as long as it doesn't harm others)? Is there any moral code I should follow but that?"

    Think about this, if "(as long as it doesn't harm others)" was everyones sole moral code, would this planet be better off than it is now? I submit that it would be. I might just add "or to oneself" to that moral code.

    My doctrine lately is very simple. Two words: "What works".

    Show me a better doctrine, and I will be your disciple.

  • ozziepost

    Glad you stuck with us Msil.

    God also favors capitalism apparently because He chose to use a corporation style in blessing his chosen people.


    "You can know the law by heart, without knowing the heart of it"
    Philip Yancey, What's So Amazing About Grace?

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