Sectarian Bigotry... Defined

by Bryan 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bryan

    Do you agree or like to add....

    The intolerance and denial of others not agreeing, believing or practicing the same as one's self.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • NeonMadman

    Depends what you mean by "intolerance".

    My definition of tolerance is having respect for another person, even though you disagree with his beliefs or lifestyle. The "postmodern" crowd doesn't seem to be satisfied with that, however. The new definition of tolerance is that you must acknowledge all other beliefs as being just as valid and true as your own. If I believe that 2+2=4 and you think that 2+2=5, I must acknowledge that, to you, 2+2=5 is the "truth" (whatever that word means under this definition), and is just as valid as my own belief.

    If that's the definition of tolerance (and by extension, its antonym) that you are using, I'd have to respectfully disagree. Which, of course, would make me intolerant, and by your definition, a sectarian bigot.

  • Mecurious?

    If I believe that 2+2=4 and you think that 2+2=5, I must acknowledge that, to you, 2+2=5 is the "truth" (whatever that word means under this definition), and is just as valid as my own belief.


    How would that be just as valid as your own belief when it can be proved to be wrong?

    People are entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts!


    Edited to add: after reading your post again I realized that were saying the same thing. See, thats what happens when you read something to fast without thinking it through. My bad!

  • Bryan



    \(')in-"tä-l-rnt\ adj 1 : unable or unwilling to endure 2 : unwilling to grant equality, freedom, or other social rights : bigoted — in•tol•er•ance \-rns\ n

    (c)2000 Zane Publishing, Inc. and Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

  • Bryan

    big•ot \ " bi-g t\ n : one intolerantly devoted to his or her own prejudices or opinions syn fanatic, enthusiast, zealot — big•ot•ed \-g -t d\ adj — big•ot•ry \-tr È \ n

    (c)2000 Zane Publishing, Inc. and Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

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