What do you all think?

by DazedAndConfused 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • DazedAndConfused

    I would like to write a book on the experiences of people who have left JW's. This is my plan. I would like to be able to quote people's experiences (under their own names or online names). Once these experiences are quoted I plan on finding a Psychiatrist/Psychologist who can go over these experiences and give an overall view of the destructive actions of JW's.

    What say ye? (Always wanted to say that, LOL) Is anyone out there willing to put their experiences on the line to be scrutinized?

    You can IM (PM or whatever it is called here). Or you can email me at [email protected].

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Thank you but no. This is as far as I desire my experiences to go. I'll write my own book thank you. I wish you well on yours though. Have my own thing going. Appreciate your asking.

    Never give up, never surrender.


  • greendawn

    I think anything that exposes the WTS as the cultish organisation that they really are is a good idea.

  • out of the box
    out of the box

    The mediator of this group and the one who started this group did so without the intent of exploiting the posts here. That is a sensitive issue with me because I want to feel free to post my real feelings.

    You will need to make up some sort of release form to email to anyone who's story you want to use. After all, a book is the last place you want to plagierise. You would need to have your words of their accounts and you do this with interviews not editing a post that 'they' wrote.

    Another way is to have those who want to be in the book contribute their own stories (and they should get an edited copy of the part that they are contibuting for their approval before it is put into the book).

    Check this site out about plagierising: http://ihsc.worc.ac.uk/clinical/learningresources/referencing/hownottoplagiarise.htm

    I wish you well with your endeavor.

    out of the box

  • DazedAndConfused

    There is some misunderstanding as to my intent, so this is to explain a little further. I definitely will not use posts from this forum or any other - what I would like is to see if there is any interest in contributing to this effort, and if there is, I would then obtain the experiences from the individual directly, with their written permission only, for this undertaking.

    I understand that as soon as someone writes anything, whether online or off, it is copyright to that individual. Permission must be provided to use those writings (or other material) in other than their original format.

    So rest assured that as far as I am concerned, anything written on this forum is for this forum only.

    Thank you for your responses and for giving me the opportunity to make the clarification.

  • Thegoodgirl

    I think a lot of people have this same idea. I've often thought about writing my own life story, but now I realize a lot of people have a really similar life story.

    On another forum a woman was doing this and I e-mailed her my story, she was really nice and professional about it, making sure I didn't want the details changed to hide my identity, etc. (Maybe it was you!) This was about 2 years ago. Anyway, I know where you're coming from, and I say go for it, sounds like a fun project. Just keep in mind all those psychologists have their own interpretation, so even if you don't use one, I'm sure the book will be interesting. If you do use one, use several so as to get a well rounded opinion.

  • out of the box
    out of the box

    Thanks! and with a name like DazedandConfused I guess I figured I would ask you to clarify! Ha ha!

    out of the box

  • defd

    Will anyone get any kick back from the MONEY you'll make?

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