Your View on Chimps, Dogs...and Souls

by philo 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • philo

    An Awake article from the late 60s got me thinking about this subject seriously for the first time - yup I know, THE AWAKE! It was about two tribes of chimp on Haiti (iirc). Does any one else remember this article, or have it to hand? The chimps would instigate food-raiding operations on the farms, posting sentries, and creating decoys to keep the farmers guessing. The lookouts would be brought back food after the raid by the other chimps. I couldn't understand how that article got approval for publication, as it raised so many questions challenging to WT views.

    My dog understands some simple sentence structures, for example he knows the difference between, "ok, we'll go for a walk in a minute" and "Let's go for a walk" and the same goes with food.

    On another board someone brought up Benobo chimps. "They also face one another when mating, with a fair amount of eye contact, (normally an aggressive gesture). The natives who share the forest with these chimps hold them in high regard, say that they taught them sex" (Looee)

    Do you think chimps and dogs, in their troops, tribes, and packs, have cultures?


  • Abaddon


    Well, chimps have a sense of humour.

    A troupe of chimps were being observed. The alpha male sprained his wrist falling out of a tree.

    For a few days afterwards, he walked with that arm curled up to his chest, using his other three limbs.

    Younger male chimps started mimicing, but only while he was facing away. He'd be leading the troup, and they'd be copying his limp, he'd turn around, they'd walk normally.

    This went on for months AFTER he stopped limping.

    Chimps are smart enough to, as we say in England, take the piss.

    To answer you, yeah, higher primtes have cultures and they differ according to geographical region. The same things are done different ways. Some are far more into tool use than others. Some like Britney, others prefer Radiohead.

    But they all love the Monkies...

  • Kent
    Well, chimps have a sense of humour.

    Why don't they show it when they print the Watchtower? Well, I guess the chimps would be offended being compared to the inhabitants in Crooklyn :)

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Flip

    Listen Philo! I happen to think dogs can make wonderful pets and I’m feed up with your clapper-clawed insinuations when you compare the lovable canine breed to knotty-pated, pink Cadillac driving dread-bolts, who wear huge slap-mouthed floppy hats, big dark sunglass, loads of milk-livered gold jewelry and leather or fur coats over their dewberry pastel colored polyester pignut leisure suits. Who during all hours of the night tend to their ill-begotten money making stable of rump-fed hoo…hey!…wait a minute…you meant… ‘chimps’…

    …Never mind.


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