
by Low-Key Lysmith 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    In leu of all these threads lately about what attracts us to the opposite (or same) sex, I was wondering if any of y'all out there share my love for the ladies (or gentlemen, if in your case) to have a little "junk in the trunk" or "cushion for the pushin'"? I like really voluptuous women. Not obese, mind you, but some chunkyness is okay by me. I'm a really big-boned feller myself. what are your thoughts on having a meaty mate?

  • Evanescence

    Double post ey?


  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    It was a mistake, I swear!!!! I don't even know how I did it!!!

  • Evanescence


    Suuurreee thats what they all say!


  • damselfly

    I'll bite

    I prefer someone with a little extra weight on them. Who wants to hug bones? I don't go for the jiggly, rolly belly covering the belt though. Just bulk.

    My man says he likes a curvy girl. All about the boobs and butt he is. He gets upset when his fav actress of the moment becomes skinny cause then he's got nothing to drool over. Oh well!


  • kwintestal

    Mrs. Kwin has but on a few pounds over the years ... when I met her she was 98 and now she's 110. She's done everything she can to attempt to put on that weight, including having 2 kids, but she can't get any heavier. She doesn't "work out" other then streaching to keep her limber, and she doens't watch what she eats, other then avoiding foods that upset her stomach. She just has a high metabolism.

    To be attractive, it's not a pre-requisite to be bean-pole thin. In fact, it can be quite disgusting looking at someone who's boney and lankey.


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