Crop Circles ? (check out link and comment please)

by Big Jim 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Jim
    Big Jim

    I heard about this first on TV then began researching it. Pretty weird stuff check out the link and give your input.


    Big Jim

  • ChuckD

    There is nothing at all unusual about these, except for the fact that even after the creators come forward and admit they made them with ropes, planks, and ladders, the folks who want to find something mysterious about it still insist that it stems from some "otherworldly" source. And this is even when the pranksters have the entire creation process on video tape. They were all pranks - clever human creations.

    The makers even have their own website:

    Chuck (who is still waiting for one of your apologies to include your having called me "dickhead")

    [link added wcd]

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Uh Chuck,
    Those chaps who did the frauds in a limited area of England, did NOT go worldwide with it, which is what's happening now and began even before their disclosure. Just like other unexplainable events, we look to quick to an eas, catch-all explanation.
    After all, we wouldn't want to think that our science cannot explain it all.

  • Seeker


    Where there is one prankster who explains his methods, there are sure to be others to follow.

  • ChuckD

    Why is it that when an EASY explanation, one which makes perfect sense (pranksters) is available, some folks still look for something LESS likely to explain things? Since the circles CAN easily be made by men, using very low-tech means, why look to the mysterious? If there was something about them which made the idea of making them by humans IMPOSSIBLE, it would be different. And I'm not talking about something like "energy vibrations" that some new-age, crystal waving, petchuli wearing pinhead claims that only they can detect from the circles. I mean something REAL.

  • Flip

    For pranksters, one thing is certain, 'they' appear to be very, very good at it.


  • logical

    were all going to die

  • chappy



    Follow the link above to find out the real, factual and absolute truth about this type of phenomema.


  • Tallyman

    I think some of the best research being done in this -field-
    is by Linda Moulton Howe

    (William Cooper is the Very LAST person I'd go to for intell)

    Here is her site - click "The Real X-Files"


    To quote Mr.T (no relation):

    "I pity the fool who think Doug and Dave made all the crop circles!"

    If it is Pranksters who are responsible for this worldwide phenomenon, then they are not like Ken Kesey's Merry Pranksters.
    Admittedly, the designs of the Agriglyphs are pretty trippy,
    but they are done with Extreme Precision.
    And it is so cool how they can lay the stalks down without bruising or crushing them, and then even cooler, is how they can weave the stalks together, kinda like a brother getting some new cornrows...
    and not just flexible stalks like wheat or barley,
    but crispy, brittle stalks like young rape.

    There is an Intelligence at work behind this mystery,
    but I don't think it is earthbound.


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