Will the WT Warn You of Pedophiles?

by HoChiMin 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • HoChiMin

    I feel the cover up of pedophiles by the WT is in part because they (legal dept) realize the seriousness of the charge. How could others be warned with any type of policy in place without risking a law suit? The same reason some states do not list, and make the list available to the public or have convicted sex offender's register applies. An organization can not disseminate information about people without risk of financial loss from civil action. Whether the person is convicted or not, how could a billion dollar corporation put such risk in the hands of their untrained volunteers? Can you see the problem that could develop for them, what if an innocent person wound up on their list? What if a convicted person wound up on their list? What if they have no policy at all? What if they chose to keep it quiet as is the unwritten policy in effect now? All would have legal recourse and potential financial loss for the WT, and that is shielded at all cost.

    This is a problem with an organization that claims to speak for God but is mainly interested in keeping their financial security. At the same time advising it's followers to shun high paying time consuming employment or higher education. The so called sheep followers are harmed either path supported by the WT. Any action taken against the WT is looked at as persecution from Satan and his followers, and helpless children are left with no affective emotional support. Who else is causing indirect harm? The WT is.

    Since loosing money is apparently a huge concern for the WT, as many civil actions as possible, inundating them with so many actions at once and continuing would seem like a good thing. However, reality is not many have the funds or drive to do so. The WT has low cost or free lawyers and bully tactics because "they speak for God" with an unmatched arrogance even the Pharisees would be proud of. It must be said that not all WT personnel act the same, and try to help the victims of abuse but come under a blanket of suspicion from those in control, i.e., other elders, circuit overseers, district overseers, etc. Because giving to much attention to the victim, in an official capacity, will bring the organization into the picture and that can't happen without risking more financial exposure.

    It is one big sad circle of reasoning the WT may never get out of. So many chose to walk away and try to never look back.


  • gsark

    <"So many chose to walk away and try to never look back">

    This seems to be working.

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

  • Francois

    Seems to me that covering up pederasty in the congregation because the bastards want to protect their monied position is a form of moral wantoness never achieved by even by the most egregious of pagan rituals.

    In my opinion, there are just no reasons good enough to protect the predators who get their jollies from little kids.

    In this, the JWs have become like the God they worship. He's scheduled to swoop down out of the skies and murder off most of the human race in its utter helplessness. And the JWs protect the predators who prey on helpless children.

    OF COURSE they are the spokesmen for their god. Who in hell would want that job but them?


  • outnfree

    Will the WT Warn You of Pedophiles?

    At present, of course, all here know that the answer is "NO!"

    But I think HCM brings up some quite good questions:

    How could others be warned with any type of policy in place without risking a law suit? ... An organization can not disseminate information about people without risk of financial loss from civil action.

    Hmmm. Well, the Society likes to consider itself a "club" in legal terms -- using the argument that members should not be able to sue in a civil action for damages caused by loss of family, mental anguish, etc. which results from disfellowshipping as they 'knew the rules when they joined.' Why, then, could the Society not publish information for present members and advise all future publishers that should they be criminally convicted of any crime in a court of law it will be made known to said publisher's present and future local congregation, and in the cases of rape, child molestation or child abuse (add to the list as one sees fit), the convicted rapist, pedophile or abuser will NEVER be able to reach out for theocratic privileges in this old system? Give present members a deadline by which they must disassociate themselves if they do not agree (much like the deadline established for smokers back in the 70's to quit or be disfellowshipped) Who WANTS those who would disagree in God's organization anyway? Wouldn't the courts then rule similarly if this was an acknowledged part of the exclusive "club"'s rules?

    Whether the person is convicted or not, how could a billion dollar corporation put such risk in the hands of their untrained volunteers? Can you see the problem that could develop for them, what if an innocent person wound up on their list?

    Those "untrained volunteers" could do just what they do now when a member is accused of pedophilia: Call the WTBTS Legal Dept. The elders could phone Legal and tell them that Brother or Sister So-and-So had been accused, and, after encouraging the victim & his/her family to go to the secular authorities IMMEDIATELY for help and to begin a criminal investigation. Then, they could advise the accused NOT to spend any time with children from that day forward until the accused has been exonerated. If the professional investigation warranted a trial, and the accused was NOT convicted, the matter would end there and a second phone call would be made to Legal to inform them that the accused had been found NOT GUILTY.

    What if a convicted person wound up on their list?

    If the accused had been found GUILTY, the elders would let Legal know the name of the legal venue, the court having jurisdiction, and Legal could verify the facts of the matter by obtaining court records. Then, WTS LEGAL could inform the elders in writing that the accused name was to be added to the list. This letter could be read aloud to the congregation at the earliest opportunity and the convicted pedophile would also be immediately removed from the congregation, leaving the way open for possible reinstatement, but not without concrete evidence of repentance in the form of apology to the victim and the congregation, and undergoing private counseling. The accused would never be allowed any future privileges of service because of the high incidence of recidivism, not even auxiliary pioneering. Harsh? Yes. But remember that the victim is scarred forever, so why not the criminal?

    What if they have no policy at all? What if they chose to keep it quiet as is the unwritten policy in effect now?

    If they have "no policy at all" or keep the poor and dangerous (to children) policy they have now, they will find it very costly indeed.
    In terms of money, the blackened eye of their supposedly superior moral position, and the ever increasing numbers of people who "chose to walk away and try to never look back."

    At present the WT lawyers do, indeed "'speak for God' with an unmatched arrogance that even the Pharisees would be proud of" but I have confidence that it will not always be so. Many have taken courage and will bring suit against the behemoth Watchtower, chipping away at injustice, because of the excellent emotional support offered on this discussion board and others.


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