Brain chemicals I suspect...

by Frog 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frog

    Can anyone explain to me (clinical psych perhaps?) where exactly the sensation comes from that appears to start at the base of your neck and go right through your body, when you've been touched either physically or reached emotionally by someone you care about it? (edit to add: usually unexpectedly)

    I don't know how to explain it more clearly than that. Alls I know is that it is the best feeling in the world! a real sensory overload, but different to an orgasm, not that this Frog's ever had one;))hehe. I've never done amphetamines, LSD, Shrooms or the majority of mind warping drugs, but I've been around a number of friends who have, and I get the impression this natural sensation is probably the equivalent of some drug induced trips. Can anyone else relate to this? Another example would be the first strokes when my mother ran her fingers through my hair as a child. Frog x

  • SixofNine

    It comes from the drugstore. Seriously:

    lol, I'm actually getting a bit of the feeling just thinking about "the tingler". I think you'd find this product worth the shipping cost :)

  • Frog

    i can only imagine how addictive that must be, oh I so want one of those claw things now!...perhaps it could fill the void in my love-life

  • tetrapod.sapien


    i can't explain it, but i know what you are describing.

    and yes, it is a wonderful feeling, though it doesn't happen often. it's incredible that we can reduce it to chemicals and it still mean something. but it does.

    i think it's one of those feelings that we seem to go through our lives looking for again and again, even if only subconsciously.

  • stevenyc

    That would be the adrenal gland.

    OK I'm guessing. But I also think I could be right.


  • Frog

    Have you ever found yourself trying to induce the sensation after you've experienced it? I caught myself out doing this the night before last! The thing with "it" is that there isn't just he one trigger. Seems to complexly tied up within the nervous system and neurons, and if they, and perhaps multiple other factors meet on a certain level, you end up with that lovely sensation:)

  • Frog

    Could this be the culprit!...think you could be on to something their matey, might need to ask one of my budding psych/physiology friends...


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