Quote from Russell stating that the impending Great War was not Armageddon?

by ithinkisee 1 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ithinkisee

    I think I remember seeing it somewhere. In one of his early writings from the 1800's. There was a war coming and he spcifically stated that the war that was on the horizon was not going to be a part of the whole "Armageddon" thing the Bible Students were predicting at the time for 1914.

    Does anyone have this or remember this? I thought it was in Gentile Times Reconsidered, but I can't find it anywhere.

    Thanks in advance for your help.


  • Kenneson

    http://www.ctrussell.us and click on Watch Tower. Go to ZWT 1892. Click on the Jan. 15 issue. Here we are told that the final battle had already begun in October, 1874 and due to close, according to Scripture in October, 1914. "Thus far it has been chiefly a battle of words and a time of organizing forces--capital, labor, armies and secret socities...the final struggle will be compartively short, terrible and decisivie--resulting in general anarchy...Then 'Woe to the man or nation who starts the next war in Europe; for it will be a war of extermination.' It will be abetted not only by national animosities, but also by social grievances, ambitions and animosities, and if not brought to an end by the establishment of God's kingdom in the hands of his elect and then glorified Church, it would exterminate the race.--Matt. 24:22" Needless to say World War I was not ended by God's kingdom.

    Next read the article "Can It Be Delayed Until 1914?" in the July 15, 1894 ZWT. "They are, we believe, God's dates, not ours. But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of trouble."

    From the writings of Russell we can see that he expected the overthrow of earth's rulership in 1914 (The Time is at Hand published in 1889, pages 98-99, 101) and Babylon (Christendom) to have passed away by then (Thy Kingdom Come published in 1891, page 153). Armageddon was to conclude with universal anarchy and insurrection, and God's kingdom intervening and ending it.

    After 1914 came and went, Russell now tells us that Armageddon will quickly follow the world war. Jan. 1, 1915 Zion's Watch Tower under the heading "The First Armageddon Battle" states: "We HAVE heretofore pointed out that the Great Battle of Armageddon--the anti-typical one--is near--that it will quickly follow the present world-war."


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